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電子發燒友網>電子資料下載>IC datasheet pdf>PX3664 pdf datasheet

PX3664 pdf datasheet

2008-09-19 | rar | 666 | 次下載 | 2積分


The PX3664 is a Digital Multiphase Controller designed
to provide core power for today’s high current processors
and memory by driving up to four synchronous-rectified
buck-converter channels in parallel. Interleaved timing of
the channels results in a higher ripple frequency,
reducing input and output ripple. With up to four phases,
each capable of up to 2 MHz operation, the PX3664 can
be used to build DC-DC converters that provide greater
than 120A of output current with excellent efficiency and
low ripple.
The PX3664 utilizes digital technology to implement all
control functions, providing the ultimate in flexibility and
stability. The PX3664 incorporates an industry standard
I2C-bus serial interface for control and monitoring.
Through the serial interface, the power supply designer
can quickly optimize designs and monitor system
performance. The interface allows the PX3664 to provide
digitized information for real time system monitoring and
The PX3664 supports dynamic phasing capability which
allows the system to shed one or more phases based on
average current. Autonomous phase control circuitry will
drop phases when average current goes below specified
threshold and add phases when average current is above
the threshold. An I2C based user phase control mode is
also provided.





  1. 1TC358743XBG評估板參考手冊
  2. 1.36 MB  |  330次下載  |  免費
  3. 2開關電源基礎知識
  4. 5.73 MB  |  11次下載  |  免費
  5. 3嵌入式linux-聊天程序設計
  6. 0.60 MB  |  3次下載  |  免費
  7. 4DIY動手組裝LED電子顯示屏
  8. 0.98 MB  |  3次下載  |  免費
  9. 5基于FPGA的C8051F單片機開發板設計
  10. 0.70 MB  |  2次下載  |  免費
  11. 651單片機窗簾控制器仿真程序
  12. 1.93 MB  |  2次下載  |  免費
  13. 751單片機PM2.5檢測系統程序
  14. 0.83 MB  |  2次下載  |  免費
  15. 8基于51單片機的RGB調色燈程序仿真
  16. 0.86 MB  |  2次下載  |  免費


  1. 1OrCAD10.5下載OrCAD10.5中文版軟件
  2. 0.00 MB  |  234315次下載  |  免費
  3. 2555集成電路應用800例(新編版)
  4. 0.00 MB  |  33566次下載  |  免費
  5. 3接口電路圖大全
  6. 未知  |  30323次下載  |  免費
  7. 4開關電源設計實例指南
  8. 未知  |  21549次下載  |  免費
  9. 5電氣工程師手冊免費下載(新編第二版pdf電子書)
  10. 0.00 MB  |  15349次下載  |  免費
  11. 6數字電路基礎pdf(下載)
  12. 未知  |  13750次下載  |  免費
  13. 7電子制作實例集錦 下載
  14. 未知  |  8113次下載  |  免費
  15. 8《LED驅動電路設計》 溫德爾著
  16. 0.00 MB  |  6656次下載  |  免費


  1. 1matlab軟件下載入口
  2. 未知  |  935054次下載  |  免費
  3. 2protel99se軟件下載(可英文版轉中文版)
  4. 78.1 MB  |  537798次下載  |  免費
  5. 3MATLAB 7.1 下載 (含軟件介紹)
  6. 未知  |  420027次下載  |  免費
  7. 4OrCAD10.5下載OrCAD10.5中文版軟件
  8. 0.00 MB  |  234315次下載  |  免費
  9. 5Altium DXP2002下載入口
  10. 未知  |  233046次下載  |  免費
  11. 6電路仿真軟件multisim 10.0免費下載
  12. 340992  |  191186次下載  |  免費
  13. 7十天學會AVR單片機與C語言視頻教程 下載
  14. 158M  |  183279次下載  |  免費
  15. 8proe5.0野火版下載(中文版免費下載)
  16. 未知  |  138040次下載  |  免費
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