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2019年04月05日 22:11 陳翠 作者: 用戶評論(0

Maxim公司的MAX86150是集成了血管容積圖,心電圖,血氧傳感器和心率監視傳感器等生物傳感器模塊,包括了內部LED光電探測器和帶環境光抑制的低噪音電子學,容易設計在移動和可穿戴設備。工作電壓1.8V,并有單獨電壓用于內部LED,工作溫度-40℃到 +85℃,2哦用在智能手機,平板電腦,可穿戴設備以及健身輔助設備。本文介紹了MAX86150主要優勢和特性,簡化框圖和功能框圖,典型應用電路圖以及評估板MAX86150 EVS主要特性,電路圖,材料清單和PCB設計圖。

The MAX86150 is an integrated electrocardiogram, pulse oximeter, heart rate monitor sensor module. It includes internal LEDs, photodetector, and low-noise electronics with ambient light rejection. The MAX86150 helps ease design-in to mobile and wearable devices.

The MAX86150 operates on a 1.8V supply voltage with a separate power supply for the internal LEDs. Communication to and from the module is entirely through a standard I2C-compatible interface. The module can be shut down through software with near zero standby current, allowing the power rails to remain powered at all times.


Electrocardiogram (ECG) Optimized for Dry Electrode Operation

Reflective Heart Rate Monitor and Medical-Grade Pulse Oximeter

Miniature 3.3mm x 5.6mm x 1.3mm 22-pin Optical Module Optical-Grade Glass for Long-Term Optimal and Robust Performance

Ultra-Low Power Operation for Mobile Devices Ultra-Low Shutdown Current (0.7μA Typical)

High SNR and Robust Ambient Light Cancellation

-40℃ to +85℃ Operating Temperature Range




Wearable Devices

Fitness Assistant Devices




評估板MAX86150 EVS

The MAX86150 Evaluation System (EV system) provides a proven platform to evaluate the MAX86150 integrated photoplethysmogram (PPG) and 1-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) sensor module. The EV system consists of two boards that connect through header pins: a MAX32630FTHR microcontroller board and a MAX86150 evaluation kit (EV kit)。 The MAX32630FTHR houses a microcontroller with preloaded firmware, Bluetooth communication, and power management. The sensor board contains the MAX86150 module and two stainless steel dry electrodes for ECG measurement. The EV kit is powered by the included lithium ion battery, which is charged with a micro-USB cable.

評估板MAX86150 EVS主要特性:

Real-Time Monitoring of PPG and 1-Lead ECG

Data-Logging Capability

Windows? 10 Compatible GUI Software

Integrated Dry Electrodes

Fully Assembled and Tested

評估板MAX86150 EVS包括:

MAX86150 EV kit


Pico programming adapter

2 x USB A to micro-USB cables

500mAh lithium polymer battery

圖4.評估板MAX86150 EVS外形圖

圖5.評估板MAX86150 EVS電路圖

評估板MAX86150 EVS材料清單:

圖6.評估板MAX86150 EVS PCB設計圖:頂層絲印

圖7.評估板MAX86150 EVS PCB設計圖:頂層

圖8.評估板MAX86150 EVS PCB設計圖:層2

圖9.評估板MAX86150 EVS PCB設計圖:層3

圖10.評估板MAX86150 EVS PCB設計圖:底層

圖11.評估板MAX86150 EVS PCB設計圖:底層絲印


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( 發表人:陳翠 )



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