Reference Design for a High-Current Power Supply with Lossless Current Sensing Using the MAX5060 abstract:?This reference design shows how to use a MAX5060 current-mode, step-down power-supply controller to implement lossless current sensing for high-current applications. In this design, the series resistance (DCR) of the inductor is used for current sensing to avoid power loss in the current-sense resistor. IntroductionToday's data processing elements demand higher currents from power supplies to achieve higher speed. Lossless current sensing and ground bouncing are key challenges for accurate control of output voltage and current in these applications.The MAX5060 PWM buck power-supply controller uses an average-current-mode control technique to track the load current, and it employs differential sensing to accurately control the output voltage. In this reference design, the series resistance (DCR) of the inductor is used for current sensing to avoid power loss in the current-sense resistor. This design shows a solution for implementing a high-current (30A) power supply with high system efficiency and good load regulation. The complete schematic, bill of materials (BOM), efficiency measurements, and test results are included below. Specifications and Design SetupThis reference design achieves the following specifications.Input Voltage: 12V ±10% Output Voltage: 1.5V Output Current: 30A Output Ripple: ±15mV Input Ripple: ±250mV Efficiency: > 88% with Half of Full Load (15A) Switching Frequency: 275kHz Footprint Size: 5cm × 3.3cm The schematic for this reference design is shown in Figure 1, and the BOM is given in Table 1. In this design, the MAX5060 is used in a buck configuration. ![]() More detailed image (PDF, 100kB) Figure 1. Schematic of the MAX5060 buck converter for FSW = 275kHz. Table 1. Bill of Materials
Efficiency PlotsFigure 2 provides a plot of efficiency versus load current plots for this design, and Figure 3 presents load-regulation data.![]() Figure 2. Load current versus converter efficiency for VIN = 12V. ![]() Figure 3. Load current versus converter output voltage for VIN = 12V. Experimental ResultsConverter output voltage and load current are shown in Figures 4–7 for different input excitations.![]() Figure 4. Converter waveforms with VIN = 12V and IOUT = 30A. VIN = 12V and IOUT = 2 × 15A Ch1: Output Current (2x) Ch2: Output Voltage Ch3: Input Voltage Ch4: High-Side MOSFET Gate Drive ![]() Figure 5. Input and output ripple waveforms with VIN = 12V and IOUT = 30A. VIN = 12V and IOUT = 2 × 15A Ch2: Output Voltage Ripple Ch3: Input Voltage Ripple ![]() Figure 6. Line transient response. VIN = 0 to 12V and IOUT = 2 × 15A Ch2: Output Voltage Ch3: Input Voltage ![]() Figure 7. Load transient response. VIN = 12V and IOUT = 1A to 7A Ch1: Output Current Transient (1A to 7A) Ch2: Output Voltage Ripple The board developed for this application is shown in Figure 8. |
Reference Design for a High-Cu
- LO(39007)
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