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電子發燒友網>RF/無線>Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA) Matc

Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA) Matc


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Low-Noise-Amplifier optimised for minimum Noise Figure at 1.9 GHz using BFP420

, circuit layout and measured data of a low noise amplifier at1.9GHz using SIEMENS SIEGET?25 BFP420.
2009-05-12 13:48:36

Low-Noise-Amplifier optimized for input and output return loss at 1.9 GHz usi

, circuit layout and measured data of a low noise amplifier at1.9GHz using SIEMENS SIEGET?25 BFP420.
2009-05-12 14:15:47

A 1.9 GHz Low Noise Amplifier optimised for high IP3 using BFP540

are possible.This application note describes an low noise,high gain, low component count LNA for 1900MHz
2009-05-12 13:30:36

A Low-Noise-Amplifier at 1.9 GHz using BFP405

This application note describes a low noise amplifier at 1.9GHz using SIEMENSSIEGET a25 BFP405.
2009-05-12 14:10:12

A Low-Noise-Amplifier at 900 MHz using SIEGET BFP420

This application note describes a low noise amplifier at 900MHz usingSIEMENS SIEGET?25 BFP420.
2009-05-12 13:43:24

A Low-Noise-Amplifier shows good Noise Figure performance at 1.9 GHz using BF

This application note describes a low noise amplifier at 1.9GHz using SiemensSIEGETa25 BFP405.
2009-05-12 13:36:57

A Low-Noise-Amplifier with good IP3out - performance at 1.9 GHz using BFP405

This application note describes a low noise amplifier at 1.9GHz using SIEMENSSIEGETa25 BFP405.
2009-05-12 13:52:47

A Low-Noise-Amplifier with good IP3outperformance at 1.9 GHz using BFP420

This application note describes a low noise amplifier at 1.9GHz using SIEMENSSIEGETa25 BFP420.
2009-05-12 13:33:19

A Low Noise Amplifier at 1.9 GHz offers +14 dBm Input Intercept Point

, circuit layout and measured data of a low noise amplifier at1.9GHz using Siemens SIEGET BFP450.
2009-05-12 13:46:34

Design of low-voltage low-power CMOS operational amplifier cells

分享一本書:Design of low-voltage low-power CMOS operational amplifier cells
2021-06-22 07:01:47

Evaluating the IBM43RF0100 SiGe HBT for CDMA Driver Applications at 1.9 GHz

The IBM43RF0100 Silicon-Germanium (SiGe) HighDynamic Range, Low-Noise Transistor is a
2009-05-12 11:35:41


低噪聲放大器(Low Noise AmplifierLNA)廣泛應用于射電天文、衛星接收、雷達通信等收信機靈敏度要求較高的領域,主要作用是放大所接收的微弱信號、降低噪聲、使系統解調出所需的信息數據
2019-06-20 08:06:03

SIEGET25 Low Noise Amplifier with BFP 420 Transistor at 2.4 GHz

junction RF-transistors. This application note describes a low-noise amplifier with thefollowing
2009-05-12 14:02:33

SIEGET45 - Low Noise Amplifier with BFP520 Transistor at 1.9 GHz

This application note describes an example of a Low Noise Amplifier with theBFP520 (5th Generation
2009-05-12 14:00:34

Using the IBM43RF0100EV19 1900 MHz LNA Evaluation Board

low noise amplifier(LNA) designed for 1900 MHz operation.The evaluation board is used
2009-05-12 11:40:53


單位。,dB=10lg(A/B)增益(dB):輸出功率(dBm)減去輸入功率(dBm),為正即為增益,為負即為損耗。是對應能放大功率的器件而言的,例如功率放大器PA,低噪放LNA。低噪放(low-noise amplifier )是一類特殊的電子放大器,主要用于通訊系統中將接收自天線的信號放大
2021-07-27 08:23:33


低噪聲放大器(Low-noise Amplifier,簡稱LNA)是處于接收機最前端的關鍵部件,廣泛應用于移動通信、雷達、電子對抗及遙控遙測系統。它的主要作用是放大天線從空中接收到的微弱信號,降低
2019-08-20 07:44:41


configuration. TI's low-noise analog front ends (AFEs) for medical ultrasound have a time gain control (TGC
2018-09-29 09:32:56


描述This parallel low-dropout (LDO) reference design showcases the TPS7A85 low-noise LDO linear
2018-10-01 17:31:19

MAX2659 pdf

The MAX2659 high-gain, low-noise amplifier (LNA) isdesigned for GPS, Galileo, and GLONASS
2008-06-30 12:44:02101

max2644 pdf datasheet

The MAX2644 low-cost, high third-order intercept point (IP3) low-noise amplifier (LNA) is designed
2008-06-30 14:48:5433

AFE5805 pdf datasheet (用于超聲波的8

that require low power and small size. The AFE5805 consists of eight channels, including a low-noise amplifier (LNA), voltage-control
2008-08-08 00:36:2540

AFE5804 pdf datasheet

that require low power and small size. The AFE5804 consists of eight channels, including a low-noise amplifier (LNA), voltage-control
2008-08-08 00:37:2813

MAX2648 pdf datasheet (5GHz to

The MAX2648 high-linearity, silicon-germanium (SiGe) low-noise amplifier (LNA) is designed for 5GHz
2008-09-17 17:00:1126

MAX3558 pdf datasheet (Quad-Ou

The MAX3558 broadband quad-output low-noise amplifier(LNA) is designed for digital set tops
2008-10-07 00:04:3317

SA620 pdf datasheet(Low voltag

for high-performance low-power communication systems from 800-1200MHz. The low-noise preamplifier has a 1.6dB noise figure at 900
2008-10-18 14:30:4826

SA601 pdf datasheet(Low voltag

-power communication systems from 800-1200MHz. The low-noise preamplifier has a 1.6dB noise figure at 900MHz with 11.5dB gain and an IP3 intercept of -2dBm at
2008-10-18 14:47:1915

EL2228 pdf datasheet (Dual Low

The EL2228 is a dual, low-noise amplifier, ideally suited to filtering applications in ADSL
2009-01-17 21:19:399

MAX2634 pdf datasheet (315MHz/

The MAX2634 low-noise amplifier (LNA) with low-power shutdown mode is optimized for 315MHz
2009-01-22 15:22:3653

a low-noise low drop-out regul

a low-noise low drop-out regulator for portable equipment
2009-06-21 10:33:1812

2SC2240,pdf datasheet (Low Noi

Low Noise Audio Amplifier ApplicationsThe 2SC2240 is a transistor for low frequency and low
2009-09-14 11:21:1420

AIC2351 datasheet,pdf(Low-Nois

AIC2351 datasheet,pdf(Low-Noise Synchronous PWM/PFM Step-Down DC/DC Converter) The AIC2351
2010-03-22 17:55:0546

REF5025-HT,pdf(Low Noise, Very

The REF5025 is a low-noise, low-drift, very high precision voltage reference. This reference
2010-06-12 11:55:4538

INA163,pdf(Low-Noise, Low-Dist

The INA163 is a very low-noise, low-distortion, monolithic instrumentation amplifier. Its
2010-09-11 19:46:0820

INA166,pdf(Low-Noise, Low-Dist

The INA166 is a very low-noise, low-distortion, monolithic instrumentation amplifier. Its
2010-09-11 19:49:067

INA217,pdf(Low Noise, Low-Dist

The INA217 is a low-noise, low-distortion, monolithic instrumentation amplifier. Current-feedback
2010-09-11 19:50:3617

OPA657,pdf(1.6GHz, Low Noise,

voltage noise JFET-input stage to offer a very high dynamic range amplifier for high precision ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter) driving or wi
2010-09-11 20:38:3622

THS4271,THS4275,pdf(Low Noise,

The THS4271 and THS4275 are low-noise, high slew rate, unity gain stable voltage-feedback
2010-09-11 21:52:0914


The THS3112/5 are low-noise, high-speed current feedback amplifiers, ideal for any application
2010-09-12 19:08:4615


The THS3122/5 are low-noise, high-speed current feedback amplifiers, with high output current
2010-09-12 19:15:1924

TLC2201,pdf(Advanced LinCMOS (TM) Low-Noise Precision Operat

The TLC220x, TLC220xA, TLC220xB, and TLC220xY are precision, low-noise operational amplifiers using
2010-09-16 00:00:0955

NE5532,NE5532A,SA5532,SA5532A,pdf(Dual Low-Noise Operational Amplifier)

excellent dc and ac characteristics. They feature very low noise, high output-drive capability, high unity-gain and maximum-output-swing b
2010-09-17 04:16:42130

OP07C,OP07D,pdf(Low-Offset Vol

These devices offer low offset and long-term stability by means of a low-noise, chopperless
2010-09-17 04:19:4267


, such as improving tone control. It offers low noise, high-gain bandwidth, good slew, and high output current drive for driving capacitiv
2010-09-18 19:55:0814


with its low offset voltage, high-gain bandwidth, low harmonic distortion, and low-noise characteristics. In addition, its output is capabl
2010-09-18 19:57:3713

VCA2613,pdf(Dual Variable Gain

The VCA2613 is a dual, Low-Noise Preamplifier (LNP), plus low-noise Variable Gain Amplifier (VGA
2010-09-27 20:38:2114

VCA2615,pdf(Dual, Low-Noise Va

The VCA2615 is a dual-channel, variable gain amplifier consisting of a Low-Noise Preamplifier (LNP
2010-09-27 20:41:1316

TPS7A8001,pdf(Low-Noise, High-

rejection (PSRR) at the output. This series of LDOs uses an advanced BiCMOS process and a PMOSFET pass device to achieve very low noise, ex
2010-10-09 20:27:4542

TPS73047,pdf(Low-Noise, High P

The TPS730xx family of low-dropout (LDO) low-power linear voltage regulators features high
2010-10-10 22:23:1616

TPS73028,pdf(Low-Noise, High P

The TPS730xx family of low-dropout (LDO) low-power linear voltage regulators features high
2010-10-11 21:31:0812

TPS78833,pdf(150-mA Low-Noise

The TPS78825 and TPS78833 are very small (SOT-23) package, low-noise LDOs that regulate the output
2010-10-14 00:49:5414

TPS78825,pdf(150-mA Low-Noise

The TPS78825 and TPS78833 are very small (SOT-23) package, low-noise LDOs that regulate the output
2010-10-14 00:51:3912

TPS73033,pdf(Low-Noise, High P

The TPS730xx family of low-dropout (LDO) low-power linear voltage regulators features high
2010-10-20 22:17:4021

TPS73030,pdf(Low-Noise, High P

The TPS730xx family of low-dropout (LDO) low-power linear voltage regulators features high
2010-10-20 22:19:0113

TPS730285,pdf(Low-Noise, High

The TPS730xx family of low-dropout (LDO) low-power linear voltage regulators features high
2010-10-20 22:20:2017

TPS73025,pdf(Low-Noise, High P

The TPS730xx family of low-dropout (LDO) low-power linear voltage regulators features high
2010-10-20 22:21:3511

TPS73018,pdf(Low-Noise, High P

The TPS730xx family of low-dropout (LDO) low-power linear voltage regulators features high
2010-10-20 22:24:0411

TPS73001,pdf(Low-Noise, High P

The TPS730xx family of low-dropout (LDO) low-power linear voltage regulators features high
2010-10-20 22:27:3525

REF5045A-Q1,pdf(Low Noise, Ver

DESCRIPTIONThe REF50xx is a family of low-noise, low-drift, veryhigh precision voltage references.
2010-10-26 20:16:0812

REF5050A-Q1,pdf(Low Noise, Ver

DESCRIPTIONThe REF50xx is a family of low-noise, low-drift, veryhigh precision voltage references.
2010-10-26 20:32:5223

REF5040A-Q1,pdf(Low Noise, Ver

DESCRIPTIONThe REF50xx is a family of low-noise, low-drift, veryhigh precision voltage references.
2010-10-26 20:42:0412

REF5030A-Q1,pdf(Low Noise, Ver

DESCRIPTIONThe REF50xx is a family of low-noise, low-drift, veryhigh precision voltage references.
2010-10-26 20:43:5722

MAX9626, MAX9627, MAX9628,pdf

The MAX9626/MAX9627MAX9628 are low-noise, low-distortion, and high-bandwidth differential amplifier
2010-12-04 11:10:5461

Low Power Silicon BJT LNA for

Low Power Silicon BJT LNA for 1.9GHz Abstract: A two-stage 1.9GHz monolithic low-noise amplifier
2008-09-17 16:15:08948

Improving Receiver Sensitivity

the system level trade-offs involved in adding a low-noise amplifier (LNA) to a remote keyless entry (RKE) re
2008-09-17 16:20:08773

How to Reduce Reference Noise

How to Reduce Reference Noise by Half Abstract: A low-noise, 2.5V reference is constructed
2009-01-23 22:39:581537

MAX1709 4A, Low-Noise, High-Fr

MAX1709 4A, Low-Noise, High-Frequency, Step-Up DC-DC Converter MAX1709 Description The MAX1709
2009-02-08 19:12:271149

Building a Low-Cost White-Nois

Abstract: A design idea for a white-noise generator is realized and revised. Two low-noise
2009-04-20 15:08:03991

QuickChip Design Example 2 Low

Abstract: A two-stage 1.9GHz monolithic low-noise amplifier (LNA) with a measured noise figure
2009-05-06 08:58:41724

Ultra-Low-Noise LDO Achieves 6

Abstract: This ultra-low-noise LDO combines low-noise components with filtering to achieve
2009-05-07 09:52:311313

高增益GPS LNA放大器

高增益GPS LNA放大器 Avago Technologies(安華高科技)宣布,推出低噪聲放大器(LNA, Low Noise Amplifier)系列的最新產品,一款適合GPS、不需執照工業、科學和醫療(ISM, Industrial, Scien
2009-11-04 08:30:561545

MAX4249,pdf(low-noise, low-distortion operational amplifiers offer)

The MAX4249MAX4257 low-noise, low-distortion operationalamplifiers offer rail-to-rail outputs
2011-11-29 15:46:5119


本篇論文提出一個操作在1.8V 供應電壓,應用于射頻(radio frequency)接收端的低雜訊放大器(low-noise amplifier, LNA),放大器適用于無線藍芽系統2.4GHz 頻段。LNA 採用單端(single ended)、串疊(casc
2011-12-20 17:24:5591

MAX2691 L2 Band GPS Low-Noise Amplifier

The MAX2691 low-noise amplifier (LNA) is designed forGPS L2 applications. Designed in Maxims
2012-01-05 11:44:0822


The MAX2691 low-noise amplifier (LNA) is designed forGPS L2 applications. Designed in Maxims
2012-08-23 16:58:2733

RF放大器設計 Low Noise Amplifier Design

RF放大器設計 Low Noise Amplifier Design 030724
2017-03-05 15:25:101

Improving Amplifier Noise Figure

Improving Amplifier Noise Figure for High 3rd Intercept Amplifiers
2017-03-24 15:52:190

基于TQP3M9036下的Ultra Low Noise High Linearity LNA

The TQP3M9036 is a high linearity, ultra low noise gain block amplifier in a small 2x2 mm
2018-08-03 11:29:0013

NXP 的LNA無線解決方案

: The BFU725F/N1 is a wideband silicon germanium amplifier transistor for high speed, low-noise applications. The transistor is designed to be used for LNA applica
2019-02-08 07:37:02339

HMC8412CHIPS: Low Noise Amplifier, 0.4 GHz to 10 GHz Data Sheet

HMC8412CHIPS: Low Noise Amplifier, 0.4 GHz to 10 GHz Data Sheet
2021-01-29 08:22:033

UG-1905: Evaluating the ADL8150 GaAS, HBT, MMIC, Low Phase Noise Amplifier, 6 GHz to 14 GHz

UG-1905: Evaluating the ADL8150 GaAS, HBT, MMIC, Low Phase Noise Amplifier, 6 GHz to 14 GHz
2021-01-29 09:07:070

ADL8150ACHIP: GaAs, HBT, MMIC, Low Phase Noise Amplifier, 6 GHz to 14 GHz Data Sheet

ADL8150ACHIP: GaAs, HBT, MMIC, Low Phase Noise Amplifier, 6 GHz to 14 GHz Data Sheet
2021-01-29 09:12:077

ADL8150: GaAs, HBT, MMIC, Low Phase Noise Amplifier, 6 GHz to 14 GHz Data Sheet

ADL8150: GaAs, HBT, MMIC, Low Phase Noise Amplifier, 6 GHz to 14 GHz Data Sheet
2021-01-29 09:37:095

UG-1813: Evaluating the ADL8104 Wideband, High Linearity, Low Noise Amplifier, 0.4 GHz to 7.5 GHz

UG-1813: Evaluating the ADL8104 Wideband, High Linearity, Low Noise Amplifier, 0.4 GHz to 7.5 GHz
2021-01-29 14:11:274

ADL8104: Wideband, High Linearity, Low Noise Amplifier, 0.4 GHz to 7.5 GHz Data Sheet

ADL8104: Wideband, High Linearity, Low Noise Amplifier, 0.4 GHz to 7.5 GHz Data Sheet
2021-01-29 14:35:285

LT6200 & LTC2050 Demo Circuit - Low Noise, Low Power Photodiode Transimpedance Amplifier with DC Precision

LT6200 & LTC2050 Demo Circuit - Low Noise, Low Power Photodiode Transimpedance Amplifier with DC Precision
2021-02-19 10:47:1312

AD603:低Noise,90兆赫變量Gain Amplifier數據Shet

AD603:低Noise,90兆赫變量Gain Amplifier數據Shet
2021-05-07 17:46:5412

艾為向市場推出AW18053高性能的LNA Bank

LNALow Noise Amplifier) 是射頻接收機里必不可少的一個低噪聲信號放大器,它在Celluar/WiFi/BT/GPS/FM等眾多的射頻系統中都有被廣泛使用。
2022-08-15 14:25:243799

LNA(Low Noise Amplifier低噪聲功率放大器)簡介

隨著無線通信事業的發展,行業對于射頻前端方案的性能關注越來越多,LNALow Noise Amplifier 低噪聲功率放大器)作為Receiver的第一級有源模塊,其對接收機系統的性能
2023-02-20 10:18:460


LNALow Noise Amplifier, 低噪聲功率放大器)作為Receiver的第一級有源模塊,其對接收機系統的性能有著非常重要的影響。
2023-03-01 10:33:403470


GPS因為信號太弱,Noise一定要控制好,LNA(Low Noise Amplifier低噪放)匹配是重點
2023-06-30 15:09:501130

HMC341CHIP: GaAs MMIC LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER, 24 - 30 GHz Die Datasheet HMC341CHIP: GaAs MMIC LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER, 24 - 30 GHz Die Datasheet

電子發燒友網為你提供ADI(ADI)HMC341CHIP: GaAs MMIC LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER, 24 - 30 GHz Die Datasheet相關產品參數、數據手冊
2023-10-13 18:49:11

HMC519LC4: GaAs pHEMT MMIC Low Noise Amplifier, 18 - 31 GHz Data Sheet HMC519LC4: GaAs pHEMT MMIC Low Noise Amplifier, 18 - 31 GHz Data Shee

電子發燒友網為你提供ADI(ADI)HMC519LC4: GaAs pHEMT MMIC Low Noise Amplifier, 18 - 31 GHz Data Sheet相關產品參數、數據手冊
2023-10-13 19:18:52

MAX40077-MAX40089: Single/Dual/Quad Ultra-Low Input Bias Current, Low-Noise Amplifiers Data Sheet MAX40077-MAX40089: Single/Dual/Quad Ultra-

電子發燒友網為你提供ADI(ADI)MAX40077-MAX40089: Single/Dual/Quad Ultra-Low Input Bias Current, Low-Noise
2023-10-16 18:44:23

MAX40110-MAX40111: 15MHz, Low-Noise, Precision Operational Amplifiers Data Sheet MAX40110-MAX40111: 15MHz, Low-Noise, Precision Operational

電子發燒友網為你提供ADI(ADI)MAX40110-MAX40111: 15MHz, Low-Noise, Precision Operational Amplifiers Data Sheet
2023-10-16 19:21:44

MAX40023-MAX40024: Low-Noise, Low-Power, Low-Bias-Current Amplifiers Data Sheet MAX40023-MAX40024: Low-Noise, Low-Power, Low-Bias-Current Am

電子發燒友網為你提供ADI(ADI)MAX40023-MAX40024: Low-Noise, Low-Power, Low-Bias-Current Amplifiers Data Sheet相關
2023-10-16 19:26:16

HMC606-Die: GaAs InGaP HBT MMIC Ultra Low Phase Noise, Distributed Amplifier, 2 - 18 GHz Data Sheet HMC606-Die: GaAs InGaP HBT MMIC Ultra Lo

電子發燒友網為你提供ADI(ADI)HMC606-Die: GaAs InGaP HBT MMIC Ultra Low Phase Noise, Distributed Amplifier
2023-10-17 18:59:34

MAX2679-MAX2679B: GPS/GNSS Ultra-Low Current Low-Noise Amplifiers Data Sheet MAX2679-MAX2679B: GPS/GNSS Ultra-Low Current Low-Noise Amplifie

電子發燒友網為你提供ADI(ADI)MAX2679-MAX2679B: GPS/GNSS Ultra-Low Current Low-Noise Amplifiers Data Sheet相關產品
2023-10-17 19:12:18

MAX40100: Precision Low-Power and Low-Noise Op Amp with RRIO Data Sheet MAX40100: Precision Low-Power and Low-Noise Op Amp with RRIO Dat

電子發燒友網為你提供ADI(ADI)MAX40100: Precision Low-Power and Low-Noise Op Amp with RRIO Data Sheet相關產品參數、數據
2023-11-09 10:07:01


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