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2021-05-14 | pdf | 196.58KB | 次下載 | 2積分


This version (25 Apr 2012 13:54) was approved by Padraic O Reilly.The Previously approved version (16 Apr 2012 11:58) is available.Diff

AD5686R/AD5685R/AD5684R Quick Start Guide

Quad, 16-/14-/12-Bit, Voltage Output DACs with a 2 ppm/oC Reference, SPI Interface

Figure 1. Functional Block Diagram


  • High relative accuracy (INL): ±2 LSB maximum (16-bit AD5686R)
  • Low drift 2.5 V on-chip reference: 2 ppm/°C typical temperature coefficient
  • Tiny 3 mm × 3 mm 16-lead LFCSP or 16-lead TSSOP package
  • Total unadjusted error (TUE): 0.1 % of FSR maximum
  • Offset error: 1.5 mV maximum
  • Gain error: 0.1% of FSR maximum
  • High drive capability: 20 mA, 0.5 V from supply rails
  • User selectable gain of 1 or 2 (GAIN pin)
  • Reset to zero scale or midscale (RSTSEL pin)
  • 1.8 V logic compatibility
  • 50 MHz SPI interface
  • 2.7 V to 5.5 V power supply
  • ?40°C to +105°C temperature range

Pin Configurations

Figure 2. 16-Lead LFCSP

Figure 3. 16-Lead TSSOP

Table 1. Function Descriptions for Quick Start

Mnemonic Description
VOUTA Analog output voltage from DAC A.
VOUTB Analog output voltage from DAC B.
VOUTC Analog output voltage from DAC C.
VOUTD Analog output voltage from DAC D.
overline{SYNC} Connect to serial interface.
SCLK Connect to serial interface.
SDIN Connect to serial interface.
SDONo connect.
VREF No connect.
VDD Connect to 5 V supply. Decouple with 10 μF and 0.1 μF capacitors.
GND Connect to ground.
overline{LDAC} Tie low.
RSTSEL Tie to GND to power up to zero scale.
GAIN Tie to GND. DAC outputs have a span from 0 V to VREF.
overline{RESET} Tie high.
VLOGIC Connect to serial interface supply voltage.

Shift Register Contents

Figure 4. Shift Register Contents (AD5686R)

Table 2. Command Definitions

C3 C2 C1 C0 Description
0 0 0 0 No operation
0 0 0 1 Write to Input Register n (Dependent on LDAC)
0 0 1 0 Update DAC Register n with contents of Input Register n
0 0 1 1 Write to and update DAC Channel n
0 1 0 0 Power down/power up DAC
0 1 0 1 Hardware overline{LDAC} mask register
0 1 1 0 Software reset (power-on reset)
0 1 1 1 Internal reference setup register
1 0 0 0 Set up DCEN register (daisy-chain enable)
1 0 0 1 Set up readback register (readback enable)
1 0 1 0 Reserved
1 1 1 1 Reserved

Transfer Function

V_OUT = V_REF * Gain delim{[}{D/2^N}{]}
D is the decimal equivalent.
N is the number of bits.

Simple Write: Example 1

To update Channel A, write the following over the serial interface: 0001 XXX1 1000000000000000 (four command bits, four address bits, 16 data bits for the AD5686R).
This updates Channel A to midscale. GAIN = 1, VOUTA = 1.25 V.

Figure 5. Simple Write—Update Channel A)

Simple Write: Example 2

To update Channel B, write the following over the serial interface: 0001 XX1X 1000000000000000.
This updates Channel B to midscale. GAIN = 1, VOUTB = 1.25 V.

Figure 6. Simple Write—Update Channel B

Simple Write: Example 3

To update both Channel A and Channel B, write the following over the serial interface: 0001 XX11 1111111111111111. This updates both channels to full scale. GAIN = 1, VOUTB = 2.5 V, VOUTA = 2.5 V.

Figure 7. Simple Write—Update Channel A and Channel B

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