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電子發燒友網>電子資料下載>類型>參考設計>AD5232 FMC-SDP轉接器和評估板/Xilinx KC705參考設計

AD5232 FMC-SDP轉接器和評估板/Xilinx KC705參考設計

2021-04-19 | pdf | 322.4KB | 次下載 | 2積分


This version (09 Jan 2021 00:50) was approved by Robin Getz.The Previously approved version (22 Jul 2019 14:28) is available.Diff

AD5232 FMC-SDP Interposer & Evaluation Board / Xilinx KC705 Reference Design

Supported Devices

Evaluation Boards


This document presents the steps to setup an environment for using the EVAL-AD5232SDZ evaluation board together with the Xilinx KC705 FPGA board and the Xilinx Embedded Development Kit (EDK). Below is presented a picture of the EVAL-AD5232SDZ Evaluation Board with the Xilinx KC705 board.


For component evaluation and performance purposes, as opposed to quick prototyping, the user is directed to use the part evaluation setup. This consists of:

  • 1. A controller board like the SDP-B ( EVAL-SDP-CS1Z)
  • 2. The component SDP compatible product evaluation board
  • 3. Corresponding PC software ( shipped with the product evaluation board)

The SDP-B controller board is part of Analog Devices System Demonstration Platform (SDP). It provides a high speed USB 2.0 connection from the PC to the component evaluation board. The PC runs the evaluation software. Each evaluation board, which is an SDP compatible daughter board, includes the necessary installation file required for performance testing.

Note: it is expected that the analog performance on the two platforms may differ.

28 Sep 2012 10:32 · Adrian Costina

Below is presented a picture of SDP-B Controller Board with the EVAL-AD5232SDZ Evaluation Board.

The EVAL-AD5232SDZ evaluation board is a member of a growing number of boards available for the SDP. Designed to help customers evaluate performance or quickly prototype new AD5232 circuits and reduce design time, the EVAL-AD5232SDZ evaluation board can operate in single-supply and incorporates an internal power supply powered from the USB.

The AD5232 provides a nonvolatile, dual-channel, digitally controlled variable resistor (VR) with 256-position resolution. This device performs the same electronic adjustment function as a mechanical potentiometer with enhanced resolution, solid state reliability, and superior low temperature coefficient performance. The versatile programming of the AD5232, performed via a microcontroller, allows multiple modes of operation and adjustment.

More information

Getting Started

The first objective is to ensure that you have all of the items needed and to install the software tools so that you are ready to create and run the evaluation project.

Required Hardware

Required Software

  • Xilinx ISE 14.6.
  • UART Terminal (Termite/Tera Term/Hyperterminal), baud rate 115200.


Hardware setup

Before connecting the ADI evaluation board to the Xilinx KC705 make sure that the VADJ_FPGA voltage of the KC705 is set to 3.3V. For more details on how to change the setting for VADJ_FPGA visit the Xilinx KC705 product page.

  • Use the FMC-SDP interposer to connect the ADI evaluation board to the Xilinx KC705 board on the FMC LPC connector.
  • Connect the JTAG and UART cables to the KC705 and power up the FPGA board.

Reference Project Overview

The following commands were implemented in this version of EVAL-AD5232 reference project for Xilinx KC705 FPGA board.

Command Description
help? Displays all available commands.
rdac= Load the wiper register with a give value. Accepted values:
0 - select RDAC 1 wiper register.
1 - select RDAC 2 wiper register.
0 .. 255 - value to be written in register.
rdac? Read back the value of the wiper register. Accepted values:
0 - select RDAC 1 wiper register.
1 - select RDAC 2 wiper register.
reset! Reset all wiper register to its stored values
restore= Restore the specified wiper register setting form the memory. Accepted value:
0 - select RDAC 1 wiper register.
1 - select RDAC 2 wiper register.
save= Save the given wiper register settings to the memory. Accepted value:
0 - select RDAC 1 wiper register.
1 - select RDAC 2 wiper register.
writemem= Write to one of the user memory address. Accepted value:
address: a value between 0x2 and 0xE.
data: a value between 0 and 255.
readmem= Read data from the EEMEM memory. Accepted value:
address: a value between 0x2 and 0xE.
decrdacdb= Decrement a given wiper register by 6dB. Accepted value:
0 - select RDAC 1 wiper register.
1 - select RDAC 2 wiper register.
decrdacdball! Decrement all wiper register by 6dB.
decrdac= Decrement a given wiper register by one. Accepted value:
0 - select RDAC 1 wiper register.
1 - select RDAC 2 wiper register.
decrdacall! Decrement all wiper register by one.
incrdacdb= Increment a given wiper register by 6dB. Accepted value:
0 - select RDAC 1 wiper register.
1 - select RDAC 2 wiper register.
incrdacdball! Increment all wiper register by 6dB.
incrdac= Increment a given wiper register by one. Accepted value:
0 - select RDAC 1 wiper register.
1 - select RDAC 2 wiper register.
incrdacall! Increment all wiper register by one.
setwp= Set the state of the Write Protect (WP) pin. Accepted value:
desired state:
0 - inactive
1 - active
getwp? Return the current value of the Write Protect (WP) pin
sethwreset= Set the state of the Hardware Override Preset (PR) pin. Accepted value:
0 - inactive
1 - active
gethwreset? Return the current value of the Hardware Override Preset (PR) pin
tolerance= Read one of the Tolerance register. Accepted value:
0x0 - this device has one tolerance register

Commands can be executed using a serial terminal connected to the UART peripheral of Xilinx KC705 FPGA.

The following image shows a generic list of commands in a serial terminal connected to Xilinx KC705 FPGA's UART peripheral. terminal_kc705.jpg

Software Project Setup

The hardware platform for each reference projects with FMC-SDP interposer and KC705 evaluation board is common. The next steps should be followed to recreate the software project of the reference design:

Github Repository

  • From this entire repository you will use cf_sdp_kc705 folder. This is common for all KC705 projects.

EDK KC705 project

  • Open the Xilinx SDK. When the SDK starts, it asks you to provide a folder where to store the workspace. Any folder can be provided. Make sure that the path where it is located does not contain any spaces.
  • In the SDK select the File→Import menu option to import the software projects into the workspace.

Import Projects

  • In the Import window select the General→Existing Projects into Workspace option.

Existing Projects Import

  • In the Import Projects window select the cf_sdp_kc705 folder as root directory and check the Copy projects into workspace option. After the root directory is chosen the projects that reside in that directory will appear in the Projects list. Press Finish to finalize the import process.

Projects Import

  • The Project Explorer window now shows the projects that exist in the workspace without software files.

Project Explorer

  • Now the software must be added in your project. For downloading the software, you must use 3 links from Github given in Downloads section. From there you'll download the specific driver, the specific commands and the Xilinx Boards Common Drivers(which are commons for all Xilinx boards). All the software files downloaded must be copied in src folder from sw folder.

Project complete

  • Before compilation in the file called Communication.h you have to uncomment the name of the device that you currently use. In the picture below there is an example of this, which works only with AD5629R project. For another device, uncomment only the respective name. You can have one driver working on multiple devices, so the drivers's name and the uncommented name may not be the same for every project.


  • The SDK should automatically build the project and the Console window will display the result of the build. If the build is not done automatically, select the Project→Build Automatically menu option.
  • If the project was built without any errors, you can program the FPGA and run the software application.
13 Aug 2013 09:22 · Lucian Sin

More information

28 May 2012 15:18
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