Abstract:In terms of characteristic of apertures on turbine vane, A fast detect method which is used to measure the distance of apertures on turbine vane is introduced, First digital image is captured and input into computer, then based on model of the apertures on turbine vane which is known before, match the object area. After that for object area, finish the following steps: image segmentation, morphologic process, which is used to get ride of small wrong pixels, detecting the approximate situation of circular holes, which is based on least square method to detect the precise central coordinate of apertures. Then you can get the distance of the apertures and their sizes. This method has advantages of higher precision and rapid speed, as well as strong anti-jamming.
Key Words : least square method; circle fitting; morphologic process; relation match
Abstract:In terms of characteristic of apertures on turbine vane, A fast detect method which is used to measure the distance of apertures on turbine vane is introduced, First digital image is captured and input into computer, then based on model of the apertures on turbine vane which is known before, match the object area. After that for object area, finish the following steps: image segmentation, morphologic process, which is used to get ride of small wrong pixels, detecting the approximate situation of circular holes, which is based on least square method to detect the precise central coordinate of apertures. Then you can get the distance of the apertures and their sizes. This method has advantages of higher precision and rapid speed, as well as strong anti-jamming.
Key Words : least square method; circle fitting; morphologic process; relation match
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