本文采用單神經元自適應PID 控制方案,將其應用于重型龍門移動式鏜銑加工中心雙直線電機驅動 的軸間反饋回路,以抑制由不同步引起的不平衡扭矩。仿真結果表明,該種控制方案簡單、具較好的快速 性及無靜差、無超調性能,能夠較好地滿足被控對象對高精度同步控制的要求。
關鍵詞:單神經元自適應,PID 控制,同步控制,直線電機
Abstract: In this paper, Single Neural self-adaptive PID control method is used in dual linear servo motors drifts feedback circle of gantry-moving type boring-milling working machine to limit the torque that caused by the asynchronization. The results of simulation test indicate that the proposed system has strong robustness and good rapidity, and dynamical synchronous error is small. So this control method can satisfied the demand of the controlled subject for the high precision synchronous control.
Keywords: single neural self-adaptive control, PID control, synchronization control, linear motor
關鍵詞:單神經元自適應,PID 控制,同步控制,直線電機
Abstract: In this paper, Single Neural self-adaptive PID control method is used in dual linear servo motors drifts feedback circle of gantry-moving type boring-milling working machine to limit the torque that caused by the asynchronization. The results of simulation test indicate that the proposed system has strong robustness and good rapidity, and dynamical synchronous error is small. So this control method can satisfied the demand of the controlled subject for the high precision synchronous control.
Keywords: single neural self-adaptive control, PID control, synchronization control, linear motor
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