Temperature soft sensor method in anode baking ZhangGeng MiaoLi SunZhenWei (College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou Gansu 730050 , China) Abstract:A neural network soft sensor modeling method based on fuzzy clustering is used. The training data set is separated into several clusters with different centers, the number of fuzzy cluster is decided automatically, and the clustering centers are modified using an adaptive fuzzy clustering algorithm in the online stage. This method can reduce the calculation remarkably and has good temperature prediction accuracy. The proposed method has been applied to the temperature estimation in an anode baking. Simulation results, which based on the existed model of the baking temperature,
show that the method can deal with the measuring problem of temperature in anode baking online.
Keywords:soft sensor; neutral network; fuzzy clustering; anode baking; temperature control
Temperature soft sensor method in anode baking ZhangGeng MiaoLi SunZhenWei (College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou Gansu 730050 , China) Abstract:A neural network soft sensor modeling method based on fuzzy clustering is used. The training data set is separated into several clusters with different centers, the number of fuzzy cluster is decided automatically, and the clustering centers are modified using an adaptive fuzzy clustering algorithm in the online stage. This method can reduce the calculation remarkably and has good temperature prediction accuracy. The proposed method has been applied to the temperature estimation in an anode baking. Simulation results, which based on the existed model of the baking temperature,
show that the method can deal with the measuring problem of temperature in anode baking online.
Keywords:soft sensor; neutral network; fuzzy clustering; anode baking; temperature control
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