關鍵詞:電阻爐; 模糊控制; 專家系統; 專家模糊控制器
Resistance Stove Temperature Control System based on Expert Fuzzy [1]Chen Feng [2]Pan Hai-peng [1]Zhejiang Provincial Public Security Bureau, Hangzhou 310009 ;[2]Department of Automation, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou, 310018 Abstract: In accordance with the requirements of resistance stove practical processing procedure, and, in allusion to there are some shortages for the conventional fuzzy control such as steady-state error, easily oscillations near the default value, the present thesis puts forward a scheme that importing the expert system to the fuzzy control, in order to constitute the fuzzy-expert controller to further improve fuzzy controller’s performance; This paper weightily introduces the design method and structure of the controller; Simulation and application results show that the resistance stove temperature control system based on fuzzy-expert control boasts slightness steady-state error ,satisfactory controlling accuracy, and the control scheme is feasible and effective.
Key words: resistance furnace; fuzzy control; expert system; fuzzy-expert controller
關鍵詞:電阻爐; 模糊控制; 專家系統; 專家模糊控制器
Resistance Stove Temperature Control System based on Expert Fuzzy [1]Chen Feng [2]Pan Hai-peng [1]Zhejiang Provincial Public Security Bureau, Hangzhou 310009 ;[2]Department of Automation, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou, 310018 Abstract: In accordance with the requirements of resistance stove practical processing procedure, and, in allusion to there are some shortages for the conventional fuzzy control such as steady-state error, easily oscillations near the default value, the present thesis puts forward a scheme that importing the expert system to the fuzzy control, in order to constitute the fuzzy-expert controller to further improve fuzzy controller’s performance; This paper weightily introduces the design method and structure of the controller; Simulation and application results show that the resistance stove temperature control system based on fuzzy-expert control boasts slightness steady-state error ,satisfactory controlling accuracy, and the control scheme is feasible and effective.
Key words: resistance furnace; fuzzy control; expert system; fuzzy-expert controller
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