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電子發燒友網>電子資料下載>電子論文>數字信號處理論文>Study of CCD laser range findi

Study of CCD laser range findi

2009-08-20 | rar | 86 | 次下載 | 免費


With rapid development of measure technology, now it is used to be laser range finding
for 3D depth measure. However, solid CCD is an integrated circuit. It can be realized to convert signal between light and electricity, deposit, transfer, output, dispose, have electron shutters and so on by CCD. Therefore, in the view of physical optoelectronic and mathematics, this paper reasons a common formula of CCD laser range finding based on static image using it. The great advantage of the method is without complicated iterative calculation. It can greatly reduce calculation and improve measure precision effectively. The analysis shows that the method is easy to calculate and realize. It is valuable.
From 1958, our country began to research optical-electro apparatus. Until 1970’s it appeared
rapidly advanced development. In December, 1974, it is successful to research laser range finder JCY-2. It is as wonderful as overseas famous laser range finder AGA-8. But recently our steps are slower on technology of 3D depth measurement than foreignness. So we need purchase the products from overseas for high price. So it is very important to research on technology of 3D depth measurement.
The research method of 3D depth measurement is not mature. At present, the advanced
international methods are as much as: optical defocus[1、2、3、4]、laser range finding[5、6] and binocular stereo vision[7、8]. Study of CCD laser range finding based on static image
considers the advantages of laser and CCD. Laser’s advantages are properties of great direction, single color, high light and intervening. It can be carried out in dimensional range finding, precision length measurement and others. CCD is a solid device. Its advantages are small volume, light weight, low power, high reliability and long life span. It is with perfect “scanning” linear. It can find address between lines freely. It can change “scanning” speed. Its aberrance is small. Recurring of size is very well. It is particularly used in size measurement,
orientation and imaging sensor. Distance is precision between photosensitive cells of CCD. It can get high precision of orientation and measurement. For example, Toshiba 2048 CCD can get the precision of 14μm. Toshiba 5000 can get 7μm. The data of CCD is modulating. So it can be used in dynamic and static measurement. Using the system of electronics shutter face array CCD, it can realize instantaneous record with high speed.
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