Atmel Corporation is a global leader in researching, designing, manufacturing and marketing advanced semiconductors,
including microcontroller, nonvolatile memory, logic, secure, mixed analog/digital, radio frequency and sensor integrated
circuits (ICs). These functions are marketed as standard products (aimed at a wide range of applications for many
customers), ASSPs (a single application for a limited number of customers) and ASICs (implementing a specific application
for a single customer). Atmel ICs are fabricated in its own manufacturing facilities using its proprietary industryleading
process technologies that are fine-tuned to the requirements of its products and customers. This gives Atmel’s
customers flexibility of choice in terms of matching device performance to their product requirements, time-to-market,development cost and unit price in volume. Through its network of R&D, design, manufacturing, engineering, sales and distribution facilities in over 60 countries, Atmel is committed to a customer-oriented approach. By ensuring the timely
introduction and total lifecycle support of its customers’ products, Atmel enables its customers to lead the markets they serve with electronic products that offer more advanced functionality, while being smaller and less expensive than ever before. Consequently, companies that drive global innovation choose Atmel. Atmel maintains its competitive edge in
process technology evolution and product innovation by means of an on-going program of research and development,undertaken in collaboration with leading universities and key clients.Atmel is focused on high-growth electronic equipment markets across the entire spectrum of applications: consumer, communications,computer/network, security, industrial/medical, automotive, aerospace and military. Particular emphasis is
on battery-powered and hand-held systems where maximum performance is required at minimal power consumption.Atmel is among the industry leaders in the development of CMOS (in particular nonvolatile memory CMOS), BiCMOS and Silicon Germanium (SiGe) process technologies, resulting in consistent levels of product innovation. Current CMOS
processes are migrating from a 0.18-micron minimum feature size to 0.13 microns. Ideally suited for advances in wireless technology, Atmel’s SiGe technology provides Gigahertz RF performance at costs close to those of CMOS. Atmel’s
high-voltage BCDMOS and BCD on SOI processes are optimized for high-voltage applications in harsh environments such as automotive and industrial applications. These processes are also available as foundry services.Atmel has a corporate-wide commitment to quality that extends to every level of its activities. The objective is continuous
improvement and total customer satisfaction. All Atmel sites are ISO 9001 V2000 certified, most have QS 9000 automotive/ industrial certification, military products are QML-certified, and several sites have the prestigious ISO 14001 qualification for environmental protection. Atmel’s quality team cooperates with customers in performing audits to ensure that Atmel conforms to the quality requirements of the customer.
including microcontroller, nonvolatile memory, logic, secure, mixed analog/digital, radio frequency and sensor integrated
circuits (ICs). These functions are marketed as standard products (aimed at a wide range of applications for many
customers), ASSPs (a single application for a limited number of customers) and ASICs (implementing a specific application
for a single customer). Atmel ICs are fabricated in its own manufacturing facilities using its proprietary industryleading
process technologies that are fine-tuned to the requirements of its products and customers. This gives Atmel’s
customers flexibility of choice in terms of matching device performance to their product requirements, time-to-market,development cost and unit price in volume. Through its network of R&D, design, manufacturing, engineering, sales and distribution facilities in over 60 countries, Atmel is committed to a customer-oriented approach. By ensuring the timely
introduction and total lifecycle support of its customers’ products, Atmel enables its customers to lead the markets they serve with electronic products that offer more advanced functionality, while being smaller and less expensive than ever before. Consequently, companies that drive global innovation choose Atmel. Atmel maintains its competitive edge in
process technology evolution and product innovation by means of an on-going program of research and development,undertaken in collaboration with leading universities and key clients.Atmel is focused on high-growth electronic equipment markets across the entire spectrum of applications: consumer, communications,computer/network, security, industrial/medical, automotive, aerospace and military. Particular emphasis is
on battery-powered and hand-held systems where maximum performance is required at minimal power consumption.Atmel is among the industry leaders in the development of CMOS (in particular nonvolatile memory CMOS), BiCMOS and Silicon Germanium (SiGe) process technologies, resulting in consistent levels of product innovation. Current CMOS
processes are migrating from a 0.18-micron minimum feature size to 0.13 microns. Ideally suited for advances in wireless technology, Atmel’s SiGe technology provides Gigahertz RF performance at costs close to those of CMOS. Atmel’s
high-voltage BCDMOS and BCD on SOI processes are optimized for high-voltage applications in harsh environments such as automotive and industrial applications. These processes are also available as foundry services.Atmel has a corporate-wide commitment to quality that extends to every level of its activities. The objective is continuous
improvement and total customer satisfaction. All Atmel sites are ISO 9001 V2000 certified, most have QS 9000 automotive/ industrial certification, military products are QML-certified, and several sites have the prestigious ISO 14001 qualification for environmental protection. Atmel’s quality team cooperates with customers in performing audits to ensure that Atmel conforms to the quality requirements of the customer.
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