GoodbyeDPI 是一個被動深度包檢測攔截器和主動 DPI 規避實用程序。
該軟件旨在繞過許多 Internet 服務提供商中的深度包檢測系統,這些系統會阻止訪問某些網站。
它處理使用分光器或端口鏡像(被動 DPI)連接的DPI,這些DPI不會阻止任何數據,而只是比請求的目的地更快地回復,并按順序連接主動 DPI。
Windows 7、8、8.1 和 10需要管理員權限。
Usage: goodbyedpi.exe [OPTION...]
-p block passive DPI
-r replace Host with hoSt
-s remove space between host header and its value
-m mix Host header case (test.com -> tEsT.cOm)
-f set HTTP fragmentation to value
-k enable HTTP persistent (keep-alive) fragmentation and set it to value
-n do not wait for first segment ACK when -k is enabled
-e set HTTPS fragmentation to value
-a additional space between Method and Request-URI (enables -s, may break sites)
-w try to find and parse HTTP traffic on all processed ports (not only on port 80)
--port additional TCP port to perform fragmentation on (and HTTP tricks with -w)
--ip-id handle additional IP ID (decimal, drop redirects and TCP RSTs with this ID).
This option can be supplied multiple times.
--dns-addr redirect UDP DNS requests to the supplied IP address (experimental)
--dns-port redirect UDP DNS requests to the supplied port (53 by default)
--dnsv6-addr redirect UDPv6 DNS requests to the supplied IPv6 address (experimental)
--dnsv6-port redirect UDPv6 DNS requests to the supplied port (53 by default)
--dns-verb print verbose DNS redirection messages
--blacklist perform circumvention tricks only to host names and subdomains from
supplied text file (HTTP Host/TLS SNI).
This option can be supplied multiple times.
--set-ttl activate Fake Request Mode and send it with supplied TTL value.
DANGEROUS! May break websites in unexpected ways. Use with care.
--auto-ttl [decttl] activate Fake Request Mode, automatically detect TTL and decrease
it from standard 64 or 128 by decttl (128/64 - TTL - 4 by default).
--wrong-chksum activate Fake Request Mode and send it with incorrect TCP checksum.
May not work in a VM or with some routers, but is safer than set-ttl.
--wrong-seq activate Fake Request Mode and send it with TCP SEQ/ACK in the past.
--native-frag fragment (split) the packets by sending them in smaller packets, without
shrinking the Window Size. Works faster (does not slow down the connection)
and better.
--reverse-frag fragment (split) the packets just as --native-frag, but send them in the
reversed order. Works with the websites which could not handle segmented
HTTPS TLS ClientHello (because they receive the TCP flow "combined").
LEGACY modesets:
-1 -p -r -s -f 2 -k 2 -n -e 2 (most compatible mode)
-2 -p -r -s -f 2 -k 2 -n -e 40 (better speed for HTTPS yet still compatible)
-3 -p -r -s -e 40 (better speed for HTTP and HTTPS)
-4 -p -r -s (best speed)
Modern modesets (more stable, more compatible, faster):
-5 -f 2 -e 2 --auto-ttl --reverse-frag (this is the default)
-6 -f 2 -e 2 --wrong-seq --reverse-frag
要檢查你的ISP的DPI是否可以被規避,首先要確保你的供應商不通過在瀏覽器中啟用 "Secure DNS(通過 HTTPS 的DNS)"選項來 poison DNS answers。
- Chrome: Settings → Privacy and security > Use secure DNS → With: NextDNS
- Firefox: Settings → Network Settings → Enable DNS over HTTPS → Use provider: NextDNS
然后在沒有任何選項的情況下運行 goodbyedpi.exe 可執行文件。如果它起作用了--恭喜你!你可以按原樣使用它,或者進一步配置,例如,如果你知道被封鎖的網站名單,就使用-黑名單選項。你可以按原樣使用,也可以進一步配置,例如,如果你所在的國家有已知的被屏蔽的網站名單,就可以使用-黑名單選項。
如果你的供應商攔截了 DNS 請求,你可能想使用 --dns-addr 選項到一個運行在非標準端口的公共 DNS resover(如Yandex DNS或使用第三方應用程序通過 HTTPS/TLS 配置 DNS。
檢查 .cmd 腳本并根據你的偏好和網絡條件進行修改。
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