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2017-09-11 | rar | 0.33 MB | 次下載 | 免費


  The following document contains information on Spansion analog and microcontroller products. Although the document is marked with the name “Fujitsu”, the company that originally developed the specification, Spansion will continue to offer these products to new and existing customers. Continuity of Specifications There is no change to this document as a result of offering the device as a Spansion product. Any changes that have been made are the result of normal document improvements and are noted in the document revision summary, where supported. Future routine revisions will occur when appropriate, and changes will be noted in a revision summary. Continuity of Ordering Part Numbers Spansion continues to support existing part numbers beginning with “MB”。 To order these products, please use only the Ordering Part Numbers listed in this document. For More Information Please contact your local sales office for additional information about Spansion memory, analog, and microcontroller products and solutions.

  ■ DESCRIPTION The MB3793 is an integrated circuit to monitor power voltage; it incorporates a watchdog timer. A reset signal is output when the power is cut or falls abruptly. When the power recovers normally after resetting, a power-on reset signal is output to microprocessor units (MPUs)。 An internal watchdog timer with two inputs for system operation diagnosis can provide a fall-safe function for various application systems. There is also a mask option that can detect voltages of 4.9 V to 2.4 V in 0.1-V steps.

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  9. 5電氣工程師手冊免費下載(新編第二版pdf電子書)
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  5. 3MATLAB 7.1 下載 (含軟件介紹)
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  7. 4OrCAD10.5下載OrCAD10.5中文版軟件
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