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電子發燒友網>電子資料下載>模擬數字>4053 CMOS三2選1雙向模擬開關

4053 CMOS三2選1雙向模擬開關

2009-08-08 | rar | 123 | 次下載 | 10積分


The CD4051BC, CD4052BC, and CD4053BC analog multiplexers/
demultiplexers are digitally controlled analog
switches having low “ON” impedance and very low “OFF”
leakage currents. Control of analog signals up to 15Vp-p
can be achieved by digital signal amplitudes of 3 - 15V. For
example, if VDD = 5V, VSS = 0V and VEE = -5V, analog signals
from -5V to +5V can be controlled by digital inputs of 0
- 5V. The multiplexer circuits dissipate extremely low quiescent
power over the full VDD-VSS and VDD-VEE supply
voltage ranges, independent of the logic state of the control
signals. When a logical “1” is present at the inhibit input terminal
all channels are “OFF”.
CD4051BC is a single 8-channel multiplexer having three
binary control inputs. A, B, and C, and an inhibit input. The
three binary signals select 1 of 8 channels to be turned
“ON” and connect the input to the output.
CD4052BC is a differential 4-channel multiplexer having
two binary control inputs, A and B, and an inhibit input. The
two binary input signals select 1 or 4 pairs of channels to
be turned on and connect the differential analog inputs to
the differential outputs.
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