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2009-05-19 | rar | 333 | 次下載 | 3積分


?LM1876 Overture? Audio Power Amplifier Series ?
Dual 20W Audio Power Amplifier with Mute and Standby ?
Modes ??
General Description ?Key Specifications ?
The LM1876 is a stereo audio amplifier capable of delivering typically 20W per channel of continuous average output power into a 4? or 8? load with less than 0.1% THD+N. ?jTHD+N at 1kHz at 2 x 15W continuous average output power into 4? or 8Ω: 0.1% ?
Each amplifier has an independent smooth transition fade-?jTHD+N at 1kHz at continuous average ?
in/out mute and a power conserving standby mode which ?output power of 2 x 20W into 8Ω: ?0.009% ?
can be controlled by external logic. ?jStandby current: ?4.2mA ?
The performance of the LM1876, utilizing its Self Peak In-???
stantaneous Temperature (°Ke) (SPiKe?) protection cir-cuitry, places it in a class above discrete and hybrid amplifi-?Features ??
ers by providing an inherently, dynamically protected Safe ?n SPiKe protection ?
Operating Area (SOA). SPiKe protection means that these parts are safeguarded at the output against overvoltage, undervoltage, overloads, including thermal runaway and in-stantaneous temperature peaks. ?n Minimal amount of external components necessary n Quiet fade-in/out mute mode n Standby-mode ?

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