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電子發燒友網>電子資料下載>行業軟件>EDA軟件>555 Timer PRO and Lite

555 Timer PRO and Lite

2008-05-09 | rar | 4096 | 次下載 | 10積分


555 Timer PRO provides an array of design wizards, circuit blocks and information panels that facilitate the use of the 555 timer. Component value calculations for the 555 take into account the supply voltage, timer fabrication (CMOS or Bipolar), and, where appropriate, load currents.

Features include:

  • 555 timer synopsis - includes pin functions, fabrication differences, component selection
  • 22 timer design wizards - 14 for the astable mode, 8 for the monostable mode
  • input circuitry - for gating an astable or triggering a monostable. Input categories are switch, touchplate, continuity, liquid level, AC detect, light, sound, and temperature.
  • counter wizards - facilitate divide by/count to strategies using common binary and decade counters
  • output circuitry - that can be activated by the 555 timer. Includes switching loads, driving motors, driving LEDs, lamps, numeric and bargraph displays, and audio, ultrasound and RF outputs
  • general - voltage reference design, "best pair" resistor substitution, logic families reference, IC pinouts for all ICs used in 555 Etcetera
  • PDF file output - write all project circuit blocks to convenient PDF file

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