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電子發燒友網>電子資料下載>行業軟件>實用工具>FilterPro V2.0 (Design Program

FilterPro V2.0 (Design Program

2008-12-01 | rar | 333 | 次下載 | 10積分


FilterPro? Multiple Feedback (MFB) and Sallen-Key Design Program is a Windows application. This application designs MFB and Sallen-Key low-pass and high-pass filters using Voltage Feedback Op Amps, resistors and capacitors. It also supports a fully-differential version of the MFB circuit. This program includes Bessell, Butterworth, Chebychev, and linear phase filter types and can be used to design filters from 1 to 10 poles. The capacitor values in each stage can be either selected by the computer or entered by the designer. An "always on" prompt window provides context-sensitive help information to the user. The response of the filter is displayed on a graph, showing gain, phase and group delay over frequency.

A new version of FilterPro is now available, Version 2.0, that includes band-pass, notch, wide-band-pass, and band-reject circuits.

The FilterPro V2.0 band-pass circuit is based on the MFB circuit. Because the band-pass filter is most often used for tone detection and high Q filters usually need high gain, a method was found to make the gain equal to the Q of the filter. When this is done the sensitivity to variation of the passive components is reduced allowing for a more reproducible filter.

The FilterPro V2.0 notch circuit is a dual amplifier circuit whose sensitivity to variation of passive components is also reduced compared to the traditional twin-T circuit. This filter is often used to block specific tones such as 60 Hz, 120 Hz, 1kHz, etc.

The FilterPro V2.0 wide-band-pass filter uses a high-pass filter cascaded with a low-pass filter. This is very useful for band-pass filters with a Q of less than 1 because the passband response is easily made flat and because the filter types such as Bessell, Butterworth, etc. are used.

The FilterPro V2.0 band-reject filter uses a high-pass filter summed with a low-pass filter. This is useful to block a wide band of frequencies. It is also useful if the gain above the blocked band of frequencies is desired to be different than the gain below the blocked band.

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