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電子發燒友網>電子資料下載>IC datasheet pdf>TLV2302,TLV2304,pdf(Family of

TLV2302,TLV2304,pdf(Family of

2010-09-23 | rar | 587 | 次下載 | 2積分


The TLV230x combines sub-micropower operational amplifier and comparator into a single package that produces excellent micropower signal conditioning with only 1.4 uA of supply current. This combination gives the designer more board space and reduces part counts in systems that require an operational amplifier and comparator. The low supply current makes it an ideal choice for battery-powered portable applications where quiescent current is the primary concern. Reverse battery protection guards the amplifier from an over-current condition due to improper battery installation. For harsh environments, the inputs can be taken 5 V above the positive supply rail without damage to the device.

The TLV230x's low supply current is coupled with extremely low input bias currents enabling them to be used with mega-ohm resistors making them ideal for portable, long active life, applications.

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