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電子發燒友網>電子資料下載>IC datasheet pdf>MAX9003 MAX9004 MAX9005pdf

MAX9003 MAX9004 MAX9005pdf

2010-07-05 | rar | 333 | 次下載 | 10積分


The MAX9000 family features the combination of a high-speed operational amplifier, a 185ns comparator, and a precision 1.230V reference. These devices operate from a single +2.5V to +5.5V supply and draw less than 500μA of quiescent current. The MAX9001/MAX9004 feature a shutdown mode that reduces supply current to 2μA and puts the outputs into a high-impedance state, making them ideal for portable and battery-powered applications.

The amplifiers in the MAX9000/MAX9001/MAX9002 are unity-gain stable with a 1.25MHz gain-bandwidth product, while the amplifiers in the MAX9003/MAX9004/MAX9005 are stable for closed-loop gains of +10V/V or greater with an 8MHz gain-bandwidth product. The input common-mode voltage extends from 150mV below the negative supply to within 1.2V of the positive supply for the amplifier, and to within 1.1V for the comparator. The amplifier and comparator outputs can swing rail-to-rail and deliver up to ±2.5mA and ±4.0mA, respectively, to an external load while maintaining excellent DC accuracy. The unique design of the comparator output stage substantially reduces switching current during output transitions, virtually eliminating power-supply glitches.

The comparator's ±2mV of built-in hysteresis provides noise immunity and prevents oscillations even with a slow-moving input signal. The MAX9000/MAX9001/MAX9003/MAX9004 have an internal 1.230V ±1% precision reference with a low 8ppm/°C temperature coefficient that can sink or source up to 1mA. The amplifier and reference are stable with capacitive loads up to 250pF and 100nF, respectively. The comparator's inverting input is internally connected to the reference output in the MAX9000/MAX9003.
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