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電子發燒友網>電子資料下載>IC datasheet pdf>TMP01,pdf datasheet (Programma

TMP01,pdf datasheet (Programma

2009-08-23 | rar | 433 | 次下載 | 5積分


The TMP01 is a temperature sensor that generates a voltage output proportional to absolute temperature and a control signal from one of two outputs when the device is either above or below a specific temperature range. Both the high/low temperature trip points and hysteresis (overshoot) band are determined by user-selected external resistors. For high volume production, these resistors are available on board.

The TMP01 consists of a band gap voltage reference combined with a pair of matched comparators. The reference provides both a constant 2.5 V output and a voltage proportional to absolute temperature (VPTAT) which has a precise temperature coefficient of 5 mV/K and is 1.49 V (nominal) at 25°C. The comparators compare VPTAT with the externally set tempera-ture trip points and generate an open-collector output signal when one of their respective thresholds has been exceeded.

Hysteresis is also programmed by the external resistor chain and is determined by the total current drawn out of the 2.5 V reference. This current is mirrored and used to generate a hysteresis offset voltage of the appropriate polarity after a comparator has been tripped. The comparators are connected in parallel, which guarantees that there is no hysteresis overlap and eliminates erratic transitions between adjacent trip zones.

The TMP01 utilizes proprietary thin-film resistors in conjunc-tion with production laser trimming to maintain a temperature accuracy of ±1°C (typical) over the rated temperature range, with excellent linearity. The open-collector outputs are capable of sinking 20 mA, enabling the TMP01 to drive control relays directly. Operating from a 5 V supply, quiescent current is only 500 μA (max).

The TMP01 is available in 8-pin mini PDIP, SOIC, and TO-99 packages.





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