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電子發燒友網>電子資料下載>IC datasheet pdf>MAX6870/MAX6871 pdf,MAX6870/MA

MAX6870/MAX6871 pdf,MAX6870/MA

2008-09-11 | rar | 888 | 次下載 | 3積分


The MAX6870/MAX6871 EEPROM-configurable, multivoltage
supply sequencers/supervisors monitor several
voltage detector inputs, two auxiliary inputs, and four
general-purpose logic inputs. The MAX6870/MAX6871
feature programmable outputs for highly configurable
power-supply sequencing applications. The MAX6870
features six voltage detector inputs and eight programmable
outputs, while the MAX6871 features four voltage
detector inputs and five programmable outputs. Manual
reset and margin disable inputs offer additional flexibility.
All voltage detectors offer two configurable thresholds
for undervoltage/overvoltage or dual undervoltage
detection. One high voltage input (IN1) provides detector
threshold voltages from +2.5V to +13.2V in 50mV
increments, or from +1.25V to +7.625V in 25mV increments.
A bipolar input (IN2) provides detector threshold
voltages from ±2.5V to ±15.25V in 50mV increments, or
from ±1.25V to ±7.625V in 25mV increments. Positive
inputs (IN3–IN6) provide detector threshold voltages
from +1V to +5.5V in 20mV increments, or from +0.5V
to +3.05V in 10mV increments.
Programmable output stages control power-supply
sequencing or system resets/interrupts. Programmable
output options include: active-high, active-low, opendrain,
weak pullup, push-pull, and charge pump.
Programmable timing delay blocks configure each output
to wait between 25μs and 1600ms before deasserting. A
fault register logs the condition that caused each output
to assert (undervoltage, overvoltage, manual reset, etc.).
An internal 10-bit ADC monitors the voltage detector
inputs, and two auxiliary inputs through a multiplexer
that automatically sequences through all inputs every
200ms. A SMBusTM-/I2CTM-compatible, serial data interface
programs and communicates with the configuration
EEPROM, the configuration registers, the internal 4kb
user EEPROM, the ADC registers, and the fault registers
of the MAX6870/MAX6871.
The MAX6870/MAX6871 are available in a 7mm x 7mm
x 0.8mm 32-pin thin QFN package and operate over
the extended -40°C to +85°C temperature range.
Telecommunications/Central Office Systems
Networking Systems
Storage Equipment
Multimicroprocessor/Voltage Systems
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