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電子發燒友網>電子資料下載>IC datasheet pdf>27LV256 pdf datasheet

27LV256 pdf datasheet

2008-08-07 | rar | 666 | 次下載 | 2積分


The Microchip Technology Inc. 27LV256 is a low voltage
(3.0 volt) CMOS EPROM designed for battery
powered applications. The device is organized as a
32K x 8 (32K-Byte) non-volatile memory product. The
27LV256 consumes only 8 mA maximum of active current
during a 3.0 volt read operation therefore improving
battery performance. This device is designed for
very low voltage applications where conventional 5.0
volt only EPROMS can not be used. Accessing individual
bytes from an address transition or from power-up
(chip enable pin going low) is accomplished in less than
200 ns at 3.0V. This device allows systems designers
the ability to use low voltage non-volatile memory with
today’s' low voltage microprocessors and peripherals in
battery powered applications.
A complete family of packages is offered to provide the
most flexibility in applications. For surface mount applications,
PLCC or SOIC packaging is available. Tape
and reel packaging is also available for PLCC or SOIC
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