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電子發燒友網>電子資料下載>IC datasheet pdf>TC2054/TC2055/TC2186 pdf Datas

TC2054/TC2055/TC2186 pdf Datas

2008-08-05 | rar | 666 | 次下載 | 3積分


The TC2054, TC2055 and TC2186 are high accuracy
(typically ±0.4%) CMOS upgrades for older (bipolar)
low dropout regulators. Designed specifically for battery-
operated systems, the devices’ total supply current
is typically 55 μA at full load (20 to 60 times lower than
in bipolar regulators).
The devices’ key features include low noise operation,
low dropout voltage – typically 45 mV (TC2054); 90 mV
(TC2055); and 140 mV (TC2186) at full load - and fast
response to step changes in load. An error output
(ERROR) is asserted when the devices are out-of-regulation
(due to a low input voltage or excessive output
current). Supply current is reduced to 0.5 μA (max) and
both VOUT and ERROR are disabled when the shutdown
input is low. The devices also incorporate overcurrent
and overtemperature protection.
The TC2054, TC2055 and TC2186 are stable with a
low esr ceramic output capacitor of 1 μF and have a
maximum output current of 50 mA, 100 mA and
150 mA, respectively. This LDO Family also features a
fast response time (60 μs typically) when released from





  1. 1TC358743XBG評估板參考手冊
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  3. 2開關電源基礎知識
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  5. 3嵌入式linux-聊天程序設計
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  7. 4DIY動手組裝LED電子顯示屏
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  9. 5基于FPGA的C8051F單片機開發板設計
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  11. 651單片機窗簾控制器仿真程序
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  13. 751單片機PM2.5檢測系統程序
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  15. 8基于51單片機的RGB調色燈程序仿真
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  1. 1OrCAD10.5下載OrCAD10.5中文版軟件
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  3. 2555集成電路應用800例(新編版)
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  5. 3接口電路圖大全
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  7. 4開關電源設計實例指南
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  9. 5電氣工程師手冊免費下載(新編第二版pdf電子書)
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  11. 6數字電路基礎pdf(下載)
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  13. 7電子制作實例集錦 下載
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  15. 8《LED驅動電路設計》 溫德爾著
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  3. 2protel99se軟件下載(可英文版轉中文版)
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  5. 3MATLAB 7.1 下載 (含軟件介紹)
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  7. 4OrCAD10.5下載OrCAD10.5中文版軟件
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  13. 7十天學會AVR單片機與C語言視頻教程 下載
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  15. 8proe5.0野火版下載(中文版免費下載)
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