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電子發燒友網>電子資料下載>電子書籍>Circuit Design with VHDL

Circuit Design with VHDL

2009-07-23 | rar | 8294 | 次下載 | 免費


The book is divided into two parts: Circuit Design and System Design. The first part deals with everything that goes directly inside the main code, while the second deals with units that might be located in a library (for code sharing, reuse, and partitioning).
In summary, in Part I we study the entire background and coding techniques of
VHDL, which includes the following:
Code structure: libraries, entity, architecture (chapter 2)
Data types (chapter 3)
Operators and attributes (chapter 4)
Concurrent statements and concurrent code (chapter 5)
Sequential statements and sequential code (chapter 6)
Objects: signals, variables, constants (chapter 7)
Design of finite state machines (chapter 8)
And, finally, additional circuit designs are presented (chapter 9).
Then, in Part II we simply add new building blocks, which are intended mainly for
library allocation, to the material already presented. The structure of Part II is the following:
Packages and components (chapter 10)
Functions and procedures (chapter 11)
Finally, additional system designs are presented (chapter 12).





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  3. 2單片機典型實例介紹
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  5. 3S7-200PLC編程實例詳細資料
  6. 1.17 MB  |  27次下載  |  1 積分
  7. 4筆記本電腦主板的元件識別和講解說明
  8. 4.28 MB  |  18次下載  |  4 積分
  9. 5開關電源原理及各功能電路詳解
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  11. 6基于AT89C2051/4051單片機編程器的實驗
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