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電子發燒友網>電子資料下載>機械電子>Calculation Details of Quantum

Calculation Details of Quantum

2008-11-27 | rar | 333 | 次下載 | 3積分


In our experiment, we use a near resonance laser to cool atoms and a far detuned laser to
produce periodic potentials[1, 2]. The dissipative force from a red detuned near resonance
laser is dependent on the velocity of atoms, thus can be used to cool atoms. For example,
because of the doppler shift, the frequency of a red detuned laser will be nearer to resonance
if atoms move toward the source of the laser. So atoms absorb more photons with opposite
velocity and slow down. When the laser is far-detuned, the dissipative force on atoms
due to photon scattering is negligible as compared to the dipole force. The dipole force is
conservative, thus we can describe the interaction between atoms and a far-detuned laser as
a dipole potential.
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