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電子發燒友網>電子資料下載>單片機>On-chip Starter Circuit for Switched-inductor DC–DC Harvester Systems

On-chip Starter Circuit for Switched-inductor DC–DC Harvester Systems

2017-10-17 | rar | 0.52 MB | 次下載 | 免費


  The challenge with charging the battery vBAT directly from nocharge conditions is its large capacity. In other words,

  replenishing vBAT to practical levels from a harvesting source

  that outputs little power PH requires considerable time. This is

  a problem because the starter draws a small fraction of the

  power that the system can harness from PH in steady state,

  which means the harvester is by and large inefficient. Quickly

  charging a lower capacity source from which to power the

  steady-state harvester is therefore an appealing alternative.

  The purpose of startup supply vST in Fig. 2 is to store and

  dispense just enough energy to operate the high-efficiency

  harvester across one or more energy-transfer cycles. This way,

  the starter energizes vST and the power conditioner then

  charges vBAT across several cycles until vBAT is high enough to

  drive the switches on its own. PH therefore supplies the power

  vBAT receives as PBAT, the gate-drive power vST delivers to the

  drivers, and the conduction and quiescent losses the switches

  and starter dissipate. Note that vST must rise to practical levels

 ?。╡.g., 1 V) to switch the system, just as vBAT must climb to

  ultimately take control of the system.

On-chip Starter Circuit for Switched-inductor DC–DC Harvester Systems

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