sed on an entry level microcontroller to prioritize peripheral usage based on the application's functional requirements. It may be the case that all of the available UARTs on a device are used for functional purposes leaving no UARTs available for the developer to use for logging debug messages. This application report demonstrates an easy way to repurpose a spare SPI port on a Hercules device for use as a UART transmitter so that debug messages can still be logged to a PC COM port even when all of the hardware UARTs on the de。">




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2016-12-05 | rar | 547 KB | 次下載 | 1積分


It is quite common, especially when developing an application based on an entry level microcontroller, to?prioritize peripheral usage based on the application's functional requirements. It may be the case that all of?the available UARTs on a device are used for functional purposes, leaving no UARTs available for the?developer to use for logging debug messages. This application report demonstrates an easy way to repurpose a spare SPI port on a Hercules device for use as a UART transmitter so that debug messages?can still be logged to a PC COM port even when all of the hardware UARTs on the device are being used?for other purposes. Several features of the Hercules SPI port make this simple to implement with minimal?software overhead. This application report illustrates the concept with a Hercules RM42 LaunchPad? but?can be adapted to any Hercules device with a spare SPI or MibSPI peripheral.

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