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Oracle 10g 的系統管理員使用手冊

2008-10-15 | rar | 11264 | 次下載 | 免費


Oracle 10g 的系統管理員使用手冊

The Oracle Application Server 10g is a large and complicated product that is hard
times we find clients that are improperly using their application server because
they don’t understand what each component does. More importantly, we find that
the administration and support for the application server fall on the shoulders of
to learn and sometimes confusing to use. With capability comes complexity. Many
the company DBA because it is an Oracle product. Many DBAs know what Java is because it
goes in the database (somewhere, somehow), but that is the extent of their knowledge. The
Application Server documentation is thousands of pages long and must cover every possible
configuration of a component. As such, it is a bit overwhelming when trying to find specific
information. The goal of this book is to provide the bases for anyone, from a Java developer to
an Oracle DBA, to install and administer the Oracle Application Server 10g. Key to meeting this
goal, we cover some critical tasks such as installation, performance tuning, and backup and
recovery. We also explain the capability of each component of the Application Server and how
it is used.
Even though the focus is on administration, some development topics are briefly introduced
in the discussion of some of the Application Server components. However, this book does not
cover either J2EE or Portal development. Those tasks are covered in detail in other Oracle Press
We tried to cover each component in a single chapter so that you could refer directly to
that chapter for a needed component. Some chapters refer you to other chapters for additional
information on specific topics. If you are new to Java and J2EE, you will need to read Chapter 6
to understand how the Application Server 10g supports J2EE components and APIs.
Lastly, one of the most annoying habits of computer books is to tell you what to do, without
explaining how to do it. We have made every effort to detail the “how” in Oracle Application
Server 10g administration.

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