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2017-04-07 | pdf | 949KB | 次下載 | 免費



  1.1. Introduction Texas Instruments TMS320C28x IQmath Library is collection of highly optimized and high precision mathematical functions for C/C++ programmers to seamlessly port a floating-point algorithm into fixed point code on TMS320C28x devices. These routines are typically used in computationally intensive real-time applications where optimal execution speed and high accuracy is critical. By using these routines you can achieve execution speeds considerable faster than equivalent code written in standard ANSI C language. In addition, by providing readyto-use high precision functions, TI IQmath library can shorten significantly your DSP application development time.

  2.1. IQmath Package Contents The TI IQmath library can be used in both C and C++ programs and it consists of 5 parts: 1) The IQmath header files The header files include the definitions needed to interface with the IQmath library. C programs use IQmathLib.h a) C++ programs use both IQmathLib.h and IQmathCPP.h 2) The IQmath object library. The library contains all of the IQmath functions and look-up tables. There are two builds of the library: a) IQmath.lib: This build of the library can be linked with code built for fixed-point. b) IQmath_f32.lib: This build of the library can be linked with code built with the --float_support=fpu32 switch. This can be useful for mixing IQmath with native floatingpoint code on devices with the C28x+FPU. 3) Example linker command files. The example linker command files allocate the sections used by the IQmath library. For some sections the location is device specific. For example, the tables used by the IQsin and IQcos functions are located within the boot ROM of the device. 4) Legacy IQmath GEL file. These gel functions are useful when using a version of Code Composer Studio that does not support IQ data types directly. The .gel file is not needed when using Code Composer Studio V3.3 or Code Composer Studio V4. 5) Example programs

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