ZigBee is a wireless standard based on IEEE802.15.4 that was developed to address the unique needs of most wireless sensing and control applications
The origin of the ZigBee name
?? The domestic honeybee, a colonial insect, lives in a hive that
contains a queen, a few male drones, and thousands of worker
bees. The survival, success, and future of the colony is
dependent upon continuous communication of vital information
between every member of the colony.
?? The technique that honey bees use to communicate new-found
food sources to other members of the colony is referred to as the
ZigBee Principle.
?? Using this silent, but powerful communication system, whereby
the bee dances in a Zig-Zag pattern, she is able to share
information such as the location, distance, and direction of a
newly discovered food source to her fellow colony members.
?? Instinctively implementing the ZigBee Principle, bees around the world industriously sustain productive hives and foster future generations of colony members.
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- zigbee是什么意思?《ZigBee無線網絡技術入門與實戰》電子教材下載 76次下載
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- Zigbee Overview Brochure
- Metastability/Overview
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- 什么是ZigBee技術?ZigBee技術的應用有哪些? 1533次閱讀
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- 淺談ZigBee無線標準與XBee ZigBee模塊 1343次閱讀
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- Zigbee網絡傳輸的特性和應用領域詳細介紹 4484次閱讀
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