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2017-05-11 | rar | 0.77 MB | 次下載 | 免費


  The primary challenge with standard Ethernet is that the MAC layer is not able to support real-time low latency data transfers. Designed for the transfer of large amounts of information across an enterprise network, the protocol is not suitable for moving the relatively small amounts of information needed for industrial control. For example, controlling a valve requires very little information to make it turn and for a sensor to report its current open/closed status. The other aspect of this is that, with Ethernet, control of the network is down to the devices attached to it, thus making it hard to predict when something will transfer. This, for a time-critical manufacturing process, is a major concern.
  Control of manufacturing robots, valves, actuators etc., must take place in a deterministic manner. Diagnostics of the automation equipment in operation also requires a very deterministic response within the control instruction process such that an operation can be immediately halted before any other instruction is executed. It should also be noted that the focus of diagnostics is not only on the operation of the controlled device, such as a motor, actuator or valve, but of the network and associated network hardware too. German manufacturer Beckhoff had seen the wide adoption potential for Ethernet and developed its own Fieldbus protocol in order to correct the low bandwidth and deterministic nature within the standard Ethernet. This became known as EtherCAT? (Ethernet for Control Automation Technology) and is now an open standard and has become adopted by many thousands of automation equipment suppliers.
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