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電子發燒友網>電子資料下載>通信網絡>Get More Power Out of Dual or Qu

Get More Power Out of Dual or Qu

2017-03-24 | pdf | 71KB | 次下載 | 3積分


Get More Power Out of Dual or Quad Op-Amps

  Although simple brute-force paralleling of op-amps is a bad scheme for driving heavy loads, here is a good scheme for dual op-amps. It is fairly efficient, and will not overheat if the load is disconnected. It is not useful for driving active loads or nonlinear loads, however. In Figure 1, an LF353N mini-DIP can drive a 600X load to g9V typical (g6V min guaranteed) and will have only a 47§C temperature rise above free air. If the load R is removed, the chip temperature will rise to a50§C above free air. Note that A2’s task is to drive half of the load. A1 couldbe applied as a unity-gain follower or inverter, or as a highgain or low-gain amplifier, integrator, etc. While Figure 1 is suitable for sharing a load between 2 amplifiers, it is not suitable for 4 or more amplifiers, because the circuit would tend to go out of control and overheat if the load is disconnected. Instead, Figure 2 is generally recommended, as it is capable of driving large output currents into resistive, reactive, nonlinear, passive, or active loads. It is easily expandable to use as many as 2 or 4 or 8 or 20 or more op-amps, for driving heavier loads.





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