TI公司的CC3100是SimpleLink? Wi-Fi網絡處理器,可以連接任何低成本低功耗的MCU到物聯網(IoT).器件集成了Wi-Fi和互聯網所有的協議,從而大大減少了主MCU的軟件要求.CC3100提供了完整的解決方案平臺,包括各種工具和軟件,應用案例,用戶和編程指南,參考設計和E2E支持社區.本文介紹了CC3100主要特性,硬件框圖和軟件框圖,SimpleLink Wi-Fi解決方案功能框圖和應用電路,以及電動汽車服務裝備(EVSE)加裝Wi-Fi功能參考設計TIDC-EVSE-WIFI主要特性,電路圖,材料清單和PCB設計圖.
The CC3100 device is the industry’s first Wi-Fi CERTIFIED chip used in the wireless networking solution. The CC3100 device is part of the new SimpleLink Wi-Fi family that dramatically simplifies the implementation of Internet connectivity. The CC3100 device integrates all protocols for Wi-Fi and Internet, which greatly minimizes host MCU software requirements. With built-in security protocols, the CC3100 solution provides a robust and simple security experience. Additionally, the CC3100 device is a complete platform solution including various tools and software, sample applications, user and programming guides, reference designs and the TI E2E? support community. The CC3100 device is available in an easy-to-layout QFN package.
The Wi-Fi network processor subsystem features a Wi-Fi Internet-on-a-Chip and contains an additional dedicated ARM MCU that completely offloads the host MCU. This subsystem includes an 802.11 b/g/n radio, baseband, and MAC with a powerful crypto engine for fast, secure Internet connections with 256-bit encryption. The CC3100 device supports Station, Access Point, and Wi-Fi Direct modes. The device also supports WPA2 personal and enterprise security and WPS 2.0. This subsystem includes embedded TCP/IP and TLS/SSL stacks, HTTP server, and multiple Internet protocols.
The power-management subsystem includes integrated DC-DC converters supporting a wide range of supply voltages. This subsystem enables low-power consumption modes, such as the hibernate with RTC mode requiringabout 4 μA of current.
The CC3100 device can connect to any 8, 16, or 32-bit MCU over the SPI or UART Interface. The device driver minimizes the host memory footprint requirements requiring less than 7KB of code memory and 700 B of RAM memory for a TCP client application.
CC3100 SimpleLink Wi-Fi Consists of Wi-Fi Network Processor and Power-Management Subsystems
Wi-Fi Network Processor Subsystem
Featuring Wi-Fi Internet-On-a-Chip?
Dedicated ARM MCU
Completely Offloads Wi-Fi and Internet Protocols from the External Microcontroller
Wi-Fi Driver and Multiple Internet Protocols in ROM
802.11 b/g/n Radio, Baseband, and Medium Access Control (MAC), Wi-Fi Driver, and Supplicant
TCP/IP Stack
Industry-Standard BSD Socket Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
8 Simultaneous TCP or UDP Sockets
2 Simultaneous TLS and SSL Sockets
Powerful Crypto Engine for Fast, Secure Wi-Fi and Internet Connections with 256-Bit AES Encryption for TLS and SSL Connections
Station, AP, and Wi-Fi Direct? Modes
WPA2 Personal and Enterprise Security
SimpleLink Connection Manager for Autonomous and Fast Wi-Fi Connections
SmartConfig? Technology, AP Mode, and WPS2 for Easy and Flexible Wi-Fi Provisioning
TX Power
18.0 dBm @ 1 DSSS
14.5 dBm @ 54 OFDM
RX Sensitivity
–95.7 dBm @ 1 DSSS
–74.0 dBm @ 54 OFDM
Application Throughput
UDP: 16 Mbps
TCP: 13 Mbps
Host Interface
Interfaces with 8-, 16-, and 32-Bit MCU or ASICs Over SPI or UART Interface
Low External Host Driver Footprint: Less Than 7KB of Code Memory and 700 B of RAM Memory Required for TCP Client Application
Power-Management Subsystem
Integrated DC-DC Supports a Wide Range of Supply Voltage:
VBAT Wide-Voltage Mode: 2.1 to 3.6 V
Preregulated 1.85-V Mode
Advanced Low-Power Modes
Hibernate with RTC: 4 μA
Low-Power Deep Sleep (LPDS): 115 μA
RX Traffic (MCU Active): 53 mA @ 54?OFDM
TX Traffic (MCU Active): 223 mA @ 54?OFDM, Maximum Power
Idle Connected: 690 μA @ DTIM = 1
Clock Source
40.0-MHz Crystal with Internal Oscillator
32.768-kHz Crystal or External RTC Clock
Package and Operating Temperature
0.5-mm Pitch, 64-Pin, 9-mm × 9-mm QFN
Ambient Temperature Range: –40℃ to 85℃
圖3.CC3100SimpleLink Wi-Fi解決方案功能框圖
This verified TI Design details how to implementJ1772-compliant level 1 and level 2 electric vehicleservice equipment (EVSE) with added Wi-Fi?functionality. The CC3100 network processor enableshighly embedded devices like the EVSE to easilyconnect to an existing wireless network or directly to adevice. By integrating this functionality in an EVSE, thedesign is capable of remote-power monitoring andcontrol of the charging state of the connected electricvehicle.
? Full Implementation of J1772-Compliant ServiceEquipment
? Wi-Fi Support for Remote Monitoring and Controlof EVSE
? High Current Relay Drivers for Support of HighCurrent Contactors
? Standardized Pilot Wire Signaling Protocol
? Integrated Utility Meter-Grade EnergyMeasurement
? Option for Communication Daughter Card Add-in
Featured Applications
? Level 1 and Level 2 Electric Vehicle ServiceEquipment (EVSE)
圖13.參考設計TIDC-EVSE-WIFI PCM設計圖(1)
圖14.參考設計TIDC-EVSE-WIFI PCM設計圖(2)