--- 產品參數 ---
- 品牌: LeadCrysta
- 型號: 6-CNFJ-14
- 參數 12V14AH
- 適用 電子,醫療,工業,IT業 ,汽車行業等領域
--- 產品詳情 ---
LeadCrysta電池-德國Ampowr電池-總部介紹ABOUT US
Ampowr has adopted a people-led culture to drive modern-thinking and turn strategy into behavior, continuously adapting in an ever changing world.
Ampowr empowers their people to turn strategy into actionable and measurable agile behavior. The approach feeds information back to the strategy, exploring options and adapting to stay competitive. Ampowr culture is to live amongst our people, tapping into shared resources, knowledge, creativity, insights and delivering the speed to transform and adapt rapidly.
Our people share the challenges of solving problems and by supporting them with structure, decision making power and inclusion, Ampowr builds above all else an environment of trust.
The core of Ampowr’s operations is based on four key technologies: Batteries & Chargers, BESS Battery Energy Storage Systems (Mid-Scale Power), ESS Energy Storage Systems (Large-Scale Power) and EMS Energy Management & BMS Battery Management System Steering. All of which have great significance for residential users, commercial and industrial companies and paves the way for Future ready systems compatible for “EaaS” Energy-as-a-Service and Energy-Trading.
Ampowr customers are found in various industries such as Telecommunication, Material Handling, Buildings & Infrastructure, Utility, Medical, Aerospace & Defense, Oil & Gas.
In addition, Ampowr is rapidly building a dedicated field installation service organization supporting customers to ensure that they can continue to rely upon the excellent performance of their Ampowr equipment.
英國Ceilpowersafe蓄電池EP9-12/9AH-總代理2024-10-21 09:33
產品型號:EP9-12 品牌:Ceilpowersafe 型號 :EP9-12 參數:12V9AH 適用:電子,醫療,工業,IT業 ,生產制造行業等領域 價格:電議 -
Espexbatteries-英國CEIL叉車蓄電池-總代理2024-10-21 09:24
產品型號:齊全 品牌:Espexbatteries 型號:齊全 適用:電動叉車、牽引車、高空作業平臺、曲臂車 價格:電議 -
英國CEIL電池-ESPEX動力電池Ceil叉車蓄電池2024-10-18 13:57
產品型號:齊全 品牌:ESPEX CEIL 參數:齊全 適用:電廠、化工、通信、軌道交通、工業 價格:電議 -
希臘SUNLIGHT電池-SUNLIGHT叉車蓄電池組 現貨2024-10-15 10:59
產品型號:齊全 品牌:SUNLIGHT 型號:48V400 參數:24V 48V 適用:電動叉車、牽引車、高空作業平臺 價格:電議 -
Sunlightbattery-希臘sunlight蓄電池-總代理2024-10-15 10:49
產品型號:SPA12-2.3 品牌:sunlight 型號:SPA12-2.3 參數:12V2.3AH 適用:電子,醫療,工業,IT業 ,生產制造行業等領域 價格:電議 -
STANGCObattery美國STANGCO蓄電池組總代理2024-07-01 17:40
產品型號:齊全 品牌:STANGCO 型號:齊全 參數:40V574AH 價格:電議 適用:電動叉車、造冰車、澆冰車 -
美國STANGCO叉車蓄電池組24V40V48V參數表2024-07-01 16:04
產品型號:齊全 型號:齊全 參數:24V36V40V48V 品牌:STANGCO 適用:電動叉車、造冰車、澆冰車、推高車 價格:電議 -
FIAMM非凡電動叉車蓄電池、蜘蛛車電池組2024-06-20 22:46
產品型號:齊全 品牌:FIAMM非凡 型號:齊全 參數:24V48V80V 適用:蜘蛛車、電動叉車、牽引車、高爾夫車 價格:電議 -
美國CHAIRMAN電池AGM-6220T參數和價格2024-05-27 20:22
產品型號:AGM-6220T 品牌:CHAIRMAN 型號:AGM-6220T 參數:6V220AH 適用:IT業 ,生產制造、電廠、化工、核電站、石化 價格:電議 -
CharimanBattery美國Chariman蓄電池總代2024-05-27 18:28
產品型號:AGM-6220T 品牌:Chariman 型號:AGM-6220T 參數:6V220AH 適用:電子,醫療,工業,IT業 ,生產制造行業 價格:電議
GREENRHINO德國綠犀牛蓄電池-總代理2023-05-22 17:16
GSbattery-日本GS叉車蓄電池(中國)有限公司2023-05-08 13:39
【GSPORTALACBATTERY】【日本電池株式會社】【日本GS電池】日本GS叉車蓄電池WelcomeToJAPANSTORAGEBATTERYCO.,LTD.我司主營:日本GS電池GSbattery,日本GS蓄電池,GS叉車蓄電池,GSyuasa叉車蓄電池(電瓶組),UPS蓄電池,汽車蓄電池,GS電瓶。主要代理日本GS叉車蓄電池、HAWKER叉車電瓶,4304瀏覽量 -
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德國AEGUPS電源-AEG Power Solutions Limited2023-02-22 10:52
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瑞士GUTORups電源-瑞士固特電子有限公司【官網】2022-03-11 15:28
GUTORUPS POWER瑞士GutorUPS電源-固特UPS電源-瑞士固特電子有限公司主營:GutorUPS電源?PEW、Gutor PDW、Gutor PXP、Gutor PXP、PXW、WXW等工業級和電力級不間斷電源(UPS)、三進單出、三進三出。整流器/電池充電機和PWM逆變器??1039瀏覽量