早該進行的校準有關。執行校準時,6632B沒有問題地進入CAL模式,我可以選擇P1并輸入該校準點的測量電壓,但是當我輸入P2的值并確認時,我總是得到'OUT OF RANGE'消息和校準中止。這有
2018-10-11 16:42:46
我在使用WIFI mesh組網,我的意圖和簡單,每個節點通過根節點定時發送固定數據到http服務器中,因此我想使用light demo配合esp_http_client例程實現該功能,但是我在
2023-03-10 07:37:10
When design the AD9371,the ad9371 requiers a specific power-up sequence, The VDDA_3P3,VDDA_1P8
2018-08-08 06:02:39
IC 然后再輸出到後端的Power IC Enable Pin (Figure 1),如果我今天有空間上的問題我可以直接把ADM1186 OUT1~OUT4直接去控制我后端的Power IC
2018-11-07 09:10:23
RESET有2V,會是偏低嗎還有時鐘和數據會關事嗎,導致開不著power24PIN DATA OUT 0V26PIN CLK OUT 0V這二pin沒有電壓輸出,是導致功放開不著power嗎25PIN
2012-09-01 07:58:03
***ios.family.arm.cc26xx.Power');Power.idle = true;Power.policyFunc = Power.standbyPolicy;說When Power.idle is set
2016-03-31 15:29:03
請問有DLP6500/DLP4500/DLP300+RGB LED light engine的組合套裝售賣嗎?
2018-06-21 02:02:44
芯片:ESP32-C3(EN,GPIO2 ,GPIO8均是10K上拉)運行的程序:light_sleep_example_main.c使用方式:關閉定時喚醒,只留下IO喚醒;功耗:2~3mA,與手冊 Light Sleep 的100uA差別有點大;是哪里配置有問題嗎?有解決方法嗎?
2023-02-16 06:10:45
:ESP32-C3-DevKitM-1,想在次開發板上測試一下在藍牙保持連接的情況下的功耗。 閱讀文檔,要滿足我們的需求,需要ble進入light-sleep模式,根據文檔我們做了如下修改:1.在開發板的GPIO0\GPIO1兩個引腳
2023-02-20 07:12:05
:ESP32-C3-DevKitM-1,想在次開發板上測試一下在藍牙保持連接的情況下的功耗。 閱讀文檔,要滿足我們的需求,需要ble進入light-sleep模式,根據文檔我們做了如下修改:1.在開發板的GPIO0\GPIO1兩個引腳
2023-03-07 06:58:42
本次發布 Gowin FOC Current Loop Control Light IP 的用戶指南。Gowin FOC Current Loop Control Light IP 主要是實現 FOC 的電流環的設計,采用較少的資源設計實現對電機的控制。可以與 MCU 的位置環和速度環配合使用。
2022-10-08 07:20:11
enabled the low power mode of this sensor.3>We have set the ODR as 50 Hz.when we set the full scale
2019-05-15 15:18:59
on coal mine power lines caused by high-power DC drive systems has increased the use of active power
2010-04-22 11:53:00
night, kitted it out with 32GB of DRAM and 1TB SSD and it didn't display anything when I booted it up
2018-11-28 15:03:22
描述PowerWheels Jeep Bar Light LED 載板
2022-07-11 06:00:05
Use of Light Sensors to Enable Smart Features in Energy Efficient ElectronicsBrightness Control
2011-08-06 21:29:59
2023-03-28 13:50:37
`信馳達科技聯合ZigBee領導廠商TI(美國德州儀器)共同開發并設計ZigBee Light Link標準的智能燈光控制方案, 更好的支持和服務終端客戶。 整個方案系統由智能手機APP軟件
2013-08-19 14:31:25
使用的ESP32-s3r2,使用的外部的flash。單獨使用light sleep示例工程進行測試沒有問題。但在station工程中添加light sleep模式,在連接到wifi并獲取到IP之后
2023-02-13 07:55:44
使用的ESP32-s3r2,使用的外部的flash。單獨使用light sleep示例工程進行測試沒有問題。但在station工程中添加light sleep模式,在連接到wifi并獲取到IP之后
2023-03-06 06:48:30
);//數據輸入CLK_IN : in std_logic;//時鐘DATA_OUTT : out bit_vector(47 downto 0);DATA_OUTID: out bit_vector
2016-09-14 16:43:55
了一個“RF RESISTIVE POWER COMBINER”。我已經附加了schamtic。每個具有不同頻率的10dbm功率的四個輸入功率實際上組合成一個輸出。現在我想看看所有這些輸入功率的總
2019-04-03 08:31:45
保持。使用較小的傳感器意味著可以大大減小光學器件的尺寸。我們都熟悉最新的智能手機設備,利用2個攝像頭來增加縮放和深度功能。 Light L16將其提升到了一個新的水平。使用16個傳感器,L16可以捕獲
2018-10-22 08:55:54
)測試程序如下:// check if power save/light sleep will affect uart or notstatic void uart_task(void *arg
2023-02-16 08:55:44
2019-05-20 07:33:43
and out-of-channel measurements, a spectrum analyzer and software-implemented power detection makes...
2019-04-18 12:03:06
2023-03-10 08:28:05
Light Commander在哪家代理公司有賣的?另外套片的樣品可以從哪里采購得到?
2019-02-25 09:07:16
ZHA Coordinator 如何控制ZLL Light/Philips Hue Light縮寫:ZHA: ZigBee Home Automation profileZLL:ZigBee
2020-04-26 06:52:37
perfect when running on the battery. However, if I plug in or start the machine when connected to power
2018-11-22 11:29:28
The ISL29002 is an integrated light sensor with a built-inintegrating type ADC and a standard I2C
2009-01-15 21:36:22
14 The ISL29102 is a low cost light-to-voltage silicon optical sensor combining a photodiode array
2009-02-10 09:40:35
32 As general purpose components, logic devices are used at different frequencies and power supply
2009-03-29 23:55:01
5 of Light HVDC systems. This paper proposed the dynamic mathematical model for the Light HVDC system. Based on the model and the theory of Exac
2009-04-09 14:09:29
16 . The benefitswe are going to point out when using a lowvoltage PFC, are listed below:– reduction of mains harmonic content– reduct
2009-06-01 10:49:43
21 when a hard wind blows the traffic slows:
2009-10-05 07:38:13
8 The SA7527 is an active power factor correction(PFC)controller for boost PFC application which
2009-12-02 15:40:52
28 Phase Management•Minimizes power losses at light load•Automatic phase-drop
2009-12-10 15:00:54
69 lamp doesnot light, even when the keys are pressed.• When the power in the batt
2009-12-24 17:00:54
14 lamp doesnot light, even when the keys are pressed.• When the power in the bat
2009-12-24 17:18:52
6 lamp doesnot light, even when the keys are pressed.• When the power in the bat
2009-12-24 17:27:56
15 Controlling Impedances When Nets Branch Out:It is not uncommon for a driver to drive
2010-01-15 10:25:04
0 • Trends for solar powered LED street lighting• Regulating voltage out of a solar panel
2010-02-25 23:06:45
22 This high power LED light source represents a viable alternative to halogen light sources.
2010-05-08 08:56:21
11 DLP Chipset is the Digital Micromirror Device (DMD): a digitally controlled spatial light modulator (SLM). When integrated with an illum
2010-06-01 09:26:53
21 is the Digital Micromirror Device (DMD): a digitally controlled spatial light modulator (SLM). When integrated with an illumination s
2010-06-01 09:56:43
35 ABSTRACTThis report discusses the phenomenon of out-of-band noise, and examines the resultsof
2010-06-26 20:09:19
6 goesup quickly when the equipment doesn’t perform aspromised. Stalled manufacturing lines, drawn-out development times, the
2010-07-16 21:55:27
7 battery.
This device automatically selects the power path. It depends on the voltage level of the VO_BT pin. When the main battery
2010-10-27 21:37:40
21 Abstract: This application note shows how to maintain the proper impedances when laying out
2009-04-18 12:06:11
power supply that can provide several amperes when the main supply fails. Every subsystem in an electronic product depend
2009-04-29 10:45:14
difficult. Nonetheless, MOSFET characteristics dominate DC-DC power conversion efficiency. This is critical for notebook CPUs due out in 1999.
2009-04-29 12:10:58
Abstract: A loss of AC power during darkness (sensed by a photoresistor) turns on an array
2009-05-06 10:16:51
5,000W ultra-light, high-power amplifier, without switching-mode power supply
2009-12-26 08:30:41
1654 投影機的ANSI流明
投影機的亮度:“light out” 是投影機主要的技術指標, “light out”通常以光通量來表示,光通量是描述單位時間內光
2009-12-29 13:55:47
412 投影儀的亮度
投影儀的亮度:“light out” 是投影儀主要的技術指標, “light out”通常以光通量來表示,光通量是描述單位時間內光源輻射產生視覺響應強弱的能力
2009-12-29 17:38:49
793 黑光發生器電路 Black Light
This circuit is a simple ultraviolate light that can be powered by a 6 volt battery or power supply that is c
2010-01-13 19:00:34
圓頂燈調光器電路--Dome Lamp Dimmer
There are times when a little light inside the car would greatly assist
2010-01-15 08:48:47
禮貌燈電路--Courtesy Light
15 seconds delayed switch-off
A good idea for bedroom lamps
2010-01-15 08:58:21
即TV信號直接輸出接口。TV輸出(TV out)是一種相對新的
2010-01-22 12:31:21
1556 什么是投影機標稱光亮度
投影機的亮度:“light out” 是投影機主要的技術指標, “light out”通常以光通量來表示,光通量是描述單位時間
2010-02-05 10:21:58
387 什么是coherent-light
英文縮寫: coherent-light
中文譯名: 相干光
分 類: 移動
2010-02-22 17:18:27
767 This article discusses important considerations when designing a DC-DC power supply. Topics include
2010-09-23 08:04:00
Undervoltage/overvoltage (UV/OV) indicators, also called Power-OK (POK) indicators, can notify
2010-12-04 11:45:16
MAX44007 Low-Power Digital Ambient Light Sensor with Enhanced Sensitivity
The MAX44007
2010-12-19 10:25:26
1199 CM3220 is an advanced ambient light sensor that uses the analog CMOS process and offers
2011-05-01 08:28:16
66 This design idea explains how a 915MHz receiver can sound an alarm when a transmitter moves beyond a predetermined boundary.
2011-08-25 18:18:32
The MAX44009 ambient light sensor features an IC digital output that is ideal for a number
2011-08-26 22:27:40
35 of converting CMOS RAM into nonvolatile memory. Incoming power is monitored for an out-of-tolerance condition. When such a condition is detected, c
2012-07-19 14:51:53
19 into nonvolatile memory. Incoming power is monitored for an out-of-tolerance condition. When such a condition is detected, the chip enable output is in
2012-07-19 14:52:47
18 the application problem of converting CMOS RAM into nonvolatile memory. Incoming power is monitored for an out-of-tolerance condition. When such a conditio
2012-07-19 14:53:34
19 the application problem of converting CMOS RAM into nonvolatile memory. Incoming power is monitored for an out-of-tolerance condition. When such a conditio
2012-07-19 14:54:19
46 When I started writing the first edition of RF Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications,some
2013-09-12 16:42:49
168 Snd2Light_OB,好東西,喜歡的朋友可以下載來學習。
2016-02-17 14:41:40
0 SND2LIGHT_OB--OpenBus,好東西,喜歡的朋友可以下載來學習。
2016-02-17 14:42:07
0 SND2LIGHT,好東西,喜歡的朋友可以下載來學習。
2016-02-17 14:42:21
0 LPC-P1343_LEDs_Running_Light&Buttons源代碼。
2016-05-20 16:08:58
1 LPC-P1343_LEDs_Running_Light&Buttons_Scan源代碼。
2016-05-20 16:08:58
4 LPC-P1343_LEDs_Running_Light源代碼。
2016-05-20 16:08:58
8 All-In-Light
2017-01-14 02:08:26
0 Get More Power Out of Dual or Quad Op-Amps
2017-03-24 15:20:20
0 A reset signal is output when the power is cut or falls abruptly. When the power recovers normally after resetting,
2017-09-11 10:16:45
5 Silicon Audio Power Out/Medium Power Switch Transistor, 7A, with a TO-220 case. As long as you have
2018-09-20 18:50:22
3500 Power Management should be one of the first things implemented when trying to install OS X on a lap...
2022-01-05 14:09:22
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2022-06-09 11:13:27
1 電子發燒友網站提供《Arduino Light Clapper使用聲音檢測器.zip》資料免費下載
2022-11-11 14:19:47
0 電子發燒友網站提供《nano light theremin PCB開源.zip》資料免費下載
2022-11-18 14:18:01
1 電子發燒友網為你提供Maxim(Maxim)MAX6339OUT-T相關產品參數、數據手冊,更有MAX6339OUT-T的引腳圖、接線圖、封裝手冊、中文資料、英文資料,MAX6339OUT-T真值表,MAX6339OUT-T管腳等資料,希望可以幫助到廣大的電子工程師們。
2022-12-16 20:55:31

2022-12-16 20:56:29

2022-12-16 21:22:41

2022-12-16 21:47:44

VGA OUT 的PCB設計注意事項
2023-11-23 09:04:58
271 Oracle的CASE WHEN語法是一種在數據庫查詢中使用的條件語句,它提供了一種在SELECT語句中根據條件對結果進行轉換或篩選的方法。在本文中,我們將詳細介紹Oracle的CASE WHEN
2023-12-06 10:21:21