PIC18F25K80 is a high performance 8-bit MCU with Integrated ECAN™ featuring eXtreme Low Power consumption. New features in PIC18F25K80 include low sleep current for low power application, 1.8V to 5.5V operating voltage for automotive, building control, elevator control and industrial application, Timers/Enhanced Compare/Capture/PWMs for precision timing control, 12-bit ADC for advance analog interface and Charge Time Measurement Unit for easy capacitive touch user interface. The PIC18F25K80 family is ideal for applications requiring cost-effective, low-power CAN solutions with high performance and robust peripheral set in small package
Featuring nanoWatt XLP Technology ideal for battery applications 20 nA Sleep mode (Watch Webinar) 300nA Watch Dog Timer operation in Sleep modes Integrated ECAN™ conforming to CAN 2.0B active specification Extreme Low Power Sleep mode ideal for battery applications Operating voltage 1.8V – 5.5V Charge Time Measurement Unit (CTMU) supports Touch sensing and advanced sensing applications 8 ch, 12-bit ADC 4 Capture / Compare / PWM modules and 1 Enhanced Capture / Compare / PWM modules 1 MSSP serial ports for SPI or I2C™ communication 2 Enhanced USART modules Two analog comparators Self programming Flash supports 10k erase/write cycles & 20 years retention
參數名稱 數值
Program Memory Type Flash
Program Memory (KB) 32
CPU Speed (MIPS) 16
RAM Bytes 3,648
Data EEPROM (bytes) 1024
Digital Communication Peripherals 2-A/E/USART, 1-MSSP(SPI/I2C)
Capture/Compare/PWM Peripherals 4 CCP, 1 ECCP
Timers 2 x 8-bit, 3 x 16-bit
ADC 8 ch, 12-bit
Comparators 2
Temperature Range (C) -40 to 125
Operating Voltage Range (V) 1.8 to 5.5
Pin Count 28
Cap Touch Channels 8
(1) 100%
(0) 0%
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( 發表人:發燒友 )