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DRV603EVM - User Guide

大?。?/span>1075 人氣: 2010-09-11 需要積分:0




The DRV603EVM customer evaluation module (EVM) demonstrates the capabilities and operation of the
DRV603 integrated circuit from Texas Instruments.
The DRV603 is a 2-V RMS pop-free stereo line driver designed to allow removal of the output dc-blocking
capacitors in audio applications to reduce component count and overall cost. The device is ideal for
single-supply electronics where size and cost are critical design parameters.
Designed using TI ’ s patented DirectPath ? technology, the DRV603 is able to drive 2 V RMS into a 2.5-k ?
load with a 3.3-V supply voltage and more than 3 V RMS with a 5-V supply voltage. The device has
differential inputs and uses external gain-setting resistors that support a gain range of ± 1 V/V to ± 10 V/V,
and line outputs that have ± 8 kV IEC electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection. The DRV603 also has
built-in shutdown control for pop-free on/off control.
Using the DRV603 in audio product applications can reduce component counts considerably compared to
traditional methods of generating a 2-V RMS to 3-V RMS output. The DRV603 does not require a power
supply greater than 3.3 V to generate its 5.6-V PP output or greater than 5 V to generate its 9-V PP output,
nor does it require a split-rail power supply. The DRV603 integrates its own charge pump to generate a
negative supply rail that provides a clean, pop-free, ground-biased 2-V RMS to 3-V RMS output. The DRV603
is available in a 14-pin TSSOP package.
This EVM is configured with one TOSLINK ? digital audio S/PDIF input and two RCA phono input
connectors for analog input; the analog or digital input is selected with pin headers. The pin headers can
also be used to feed balanced analog audio into the DRV603. The output signal is available on two RCA
phono connectors. The power supply is connected via a two-pin, 2,54-mm header.


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