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什么是光柵化 光柵化中陰影的處理

電子工程師 ? 來源:網絡整理 ? 作者:工程師3 ? 2018-05-07 11:11 ? 次閱讀




一、先了解下 什么是光柵化及光柵化的簡單過程?


什么是光柵化 光柵化中陰影的處理


什么是光柵化 光柵化中陰影的處理



When rendering 2D output using pre-transformed vertices, care must be taken to ensure that each texel area correctly corresponds to a single pixel area, otherwise texture distortion can occur. By understanding the basics of the process that Direct3D follows when rasterizing and texturing triangles, you can ensure your Direct3D application correctly renders 2D output.


什么是光柵化 光柵化中陰影的處理

圖1: 6 x 6 resolution display

Figure 1 shows a diagram wherein pixels are modeled as squares. In reality, however, pixels are dots, not squares. Each square in Figure 1 indicates the area lit by the pixel, but a pixel is always just a dot at the center of a square. This distinction, though seemingly small, is important. A better illustration of the same display is shown in Figure 2:


什么是光柵化 光柵化中陰影的處理

圖 2: Display is composed of pixels

This diagram correctly shows each physical pixel as a point in the center of each cell. The screen space coordinate (0, 0) is located directly at the top-left pixel, and therefore at the center of the top-left cell. The top-left corner of the display is therefore at (-0.5, -0.5) because it is 0.5 cells to the left and 0.5 cells up from the top-left pixel. Direct3D will render a quad with corners at (0, 0) and (4, 4) as illustrated in Figure 3.


什么是光柵化 光柵化中陰影的處理


Figure 3 shows where the mathematical quad is in relation to the display, but does not show what the quad will look like once Direct3D rasterizes it and sends it to the display. In fact, it is impossible for a raster display to fill the quad exactly as shown because the edges of the quad do not coincide with the boundaries between pixel cells. In other words, because each pixel can only display a single color, each pixel cell is filled with only a single color; if the display were to render the quad exactly as shown, the pixel cells along the quad‘s edge would need to show two distinct colors: blue where covered by the quad and white where only the background is visible.

Instead, the graphics hardware is tasked with determining which pixels should be filled to approximate the quad. This process is called rasterization, and is detailed inRasterization Rules. For this particular case, the rasterized quad is shown in Figure 4:


因此,圖形硬件將會執行判斷哪個像素應該被點亮以接近真正的矩形的任務。這個過程被稱之為光柵化,詳細信息請查閱Rasterization Rules.。對于我們這個特殊的例子,光柵化后的結果如圖4所示

什么是光柵化 光柵化中陰影的處理


Note that the quad passed to Direct3D (Figure 3) has corners at (0, 0) and (4, 4), but the rasterized output (Figure 4) has corners at (-0.5,-0.5) and (3.5,3.5)。 Compare Figures 3 and 4 for rendering differences. You can see that what the display actually renders is the correct size, but has been shifted by -0.5 cells in the x and y directions. However, except for multi-sampling techniques, this is the best possible approximation to the quad. (See theAntialias Sample for thorough coverage of multi-sampling.) Be aware that if the rasterizer filled every cell the quad crossed, the resulting area would be of dimension 5 x 5 instead of the desired 4 x 4.

If you assume that screen coordinates originate at the top-left corner of the display grid instead of the top-left pixel, the quad appears exactly as expected. However, the difference becomes clear when the quad is given a texture. Figure 5 shows the 4 x 4 texture you’ll map directly onto the quad.


如果你結社屏幕坐標系的原點在最左上角像素區域的最左上角,而不是最左上角的物理像素,這個方塊顯示出來和我們想要的一樣。然而當我們給定一個紋理的時候,區別就顯得異常突出了,圖5 展示了一個用于映射到我們的矩形的4x4的紋理。

什么是光柵化 光柵化中陰影的處理


Because the texture is 4 x 4 texels and the quad is 4 x 4 pixels, you might expect the textured quad to appear exactly like the texture regardless of the location on the screen where the quad is drawn. However, this is not the case; even slight changes in position influence how the texture is displayed. Figure 6 illustrates how a quad between (0, 0) and (4, 4) is displayed after being rasterized and textured.


什么是光柵化 光柵化中陰影的處理


The quad drawn in Figure 6 shows the textured output (with a linear filtering mode and a clamp addressing mode) with the superimposed rasterized outline. The rest of this article explains exactly why the output looks the way it does instead of looking like the texture, but for those who want the solution, here it is: The edges of the input quad need to lie upon the boundary lines between pixel cells. By simply shifting the x and y quad coordinates by -0.5 units, texel cells will perfectly cover pixel cells and the quad can be perfectly recreated on the screen. (Figure 8 illustrates the quad at the corrected coordinates.)


The details of why the rasterized output only bears slight resemblance to the input texture are directly related to the way Direct3D addresses and samples textures. What follows assumes you have a good understanding oftexture coordinate space And bilinear texture filtering.


Getting back to our investigation of the strange pixel output, it makes sense to trace the output color back to the pixel shader: The pixel shader is called for each pixel selected to be part of the rasterized shape. The solid blue quad depicted in Figure 3 could have a particularly simple shader:


float4 SolidBluePS() : COLOR


return float4( 0, 0, 1, 1 );


For the textured quad, the pixel shader has to be changed slightly:

texture MyTexture;

sampler MySampler =



Texture = 《MyTexture》;

MinFilter = Linear;

MagFilter = Linear;

AddressU = Clamp;

AddressV = Clamp;


float4 TextureLookupPS( float2 vTexCoord : TEXCOORD0 ) : COLOR


return tex2D( MySampler, vTexCoord );


That code assumes the 4 x 4 texture of Figure 5 is stored in MyTexture. As shown, the MySampler texture sampler is set to perform bilinear filtering on MyTexture. The pixel shader gets called once for each rasterized pixel, and each time the returned color is the sampled texture color at vTexCoord. Each time the pixel shader is called, the vTexCoord argument is set to the texture coordinates at that pixel. That means the shader is asking the texture sampler for the filtered texture color at the exact location of the pixel, as detailed in Figure 7:

代碼假設圖5中的4x4的紋理存儲在MyTexture中。MySampler被設置成雙線性過濾。光柵化每個像素的時候調用一次這個Shader.每次返回的顏色值都是對sampled texture使用vTexCoord取樣的結果,vTexCoord是物理像素值處的紋理坐標。這意味著在每個像素的位置都會查詢紋理以得到這點的顏色值。詳情如圖7所示:

什么是光柵化 光柵化中陰影的處理


The texture (shown superimposed) is sampled directly at pixel locations (shown as black dots)。 Texture coordinates are not affected by rasterization (they remain in the projected screen-space of the original quad)。 The black dots show where the rasterization pixels are. The texture coordinates at each pixel are easily determined by interpolating the coordinates stored at each vertex: The pixel at (0,0) coincides with the vertex at (0, 0); therefore, the texture coordinates at that pixel are simply the texture coordinates stored at that vertex, UV (0.0, 0.0)。 For the pixel at (3, 1), the interpolated coordinates are UV (0.75, 0.25) because that pixel is located at three-fourths of the texture‘s width and one-fourth of its height. These interpolated coordinates are what get passed to the pixel shader.

紋理(重疊上的區域)是在物理像素的位置采樣的(黑點)。紋理坐標不會受光柵化的影響(它們被保留在投影到屏幕空間的原始坐標中)黑點是光柵化的物理像素點的位置。每個像素點的紋理坐標值可以通過簡單的線性插值得到:頂點(0,0)就是物理像素(0,0)UV是(0.0,0.0)。像素(3,1)紋理坐標是UV(0.75,0.25)因為像素值是在3/4 紋理寬度和1/4紋理高度的位置上。這些插過值的紋理坐標被傳遞給了像素著色器。

The texels do not line up with the pixels in this example; each pixel (and therefore each sampling point) is positioned at the corner of four texels. Because the filtering mode is set to Linear, the sampler will average the colors of the four texels sharing that corner. This explains why the pixel expected to be red is actually three-fourths gray plus one-fourth red, the pixel expected to be green is one-half gray plus one-fourth red plus one-fourth green, and so on.


To fix this problem, all you need to do is correctly map the quad to the pixels to which it will be rasterized, and thereby correctly map the texels to pixels. Figure 8 shows the results of drawing the same quad between (-0.5, -0.5) and (3.5, 3.5), which is the quad intended from the outset.

為了修正這個問題,你需要做的就是正確的將矩形映射到像素,然后正確地映射紋素到像素。圖8顯示了將(-0.5, -0.5) and (3.5, 3.5)的矩形進行紋理映射后的結果。

什么是光柵化 光柵化中陰影的處理



In summary, pixels and texels are actually points, not solid blocks. Screen space originates at the top-left pixel, but texture coordinates originate at the top-left corner of the texture’s grid. Most importantly, remember to subtract 0.5 units from the x and y components of your vertex positions when working in transformed screen space in order to correctly align texels with pixels.



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