正向電壓():通常對于這類光耦器件,其輸入部分的發光二極管會有一個正向電壓特性??赡茉诘湫颓闆r下,正向電壓會處于一個相對較低的值,比如在 1.2V 到 1.5V 之間,具體數值取決于正向電流。當給輸入引腳施加正向電流時,發光二極管會產生正向電壓降,較低的正向電壓有助于減少輸入部分的功耗,方便與各種低功耗的控制器或驅動電路相配合。
正向電流():一般來說,為了使輸入部分正常工作,會有一個典型的正向電流范圍,可能在幾毫安左右,例如 5mA 至 10mA。較小的正向電流要求意味著它可以很容易地被一些低功率的控制信號驅動,減少對前級電路的負載要求。
Forward voltage () : Usually for such optocoupler devices, the input part of the LED will have a forward voltage characteristic. Perhaps in typical cases, the forward voltage will be at a relatively low value, such as between 1.2V and 1.5V, depending on the forward current. When a forward current is applied to the input pin, the LED will produce a forward voltage drop, and the lower forward voltage helps to reduce the power consumption of the input part, which is convenient to cooperate with a variety of low-power controllers or drive circuits.
Forward current () : In general, in order for the input part to work properly, there will be a typical forward current range, which may be around a few milliamps, such as 5mA to 10mA. The small forward current requirement means that it can easily be driven by some low-power control signal, reducing the load requirement on the front stage circuit.
According to the above possible forward voltage and forward current ranges, the power consumption range of the input part can be calculated, which is helpful for evaluating the power distribution of the entire system and the power supply design.
Output type: May be open collector output or push-pull output, etc. The open-collector output can easily realize the level conversion and logic function expansion, and can achieve different output levels through the external pull-up resistor, and the push-pull output can provide a strong driving ability, can output high and low levels of two states, driving ability is stronger, suitable for direct drive load.
輸出電流():對于集電極開路輸出,其最大灌電流或拉電流能力可能在十幾毫安到幾十毫安之間;對于推挽輸出,其輸出電流能力可能更大,或許能達到上百毫安。這決定了它能夠驅動多少負載,例如可以驅動多少個標準的 TTL 或 CMOS 邏輯門電路,或者能驅動多大功率的外部負載,如小型繼電器、LED 等。
For open-collector output, the maximum filling current or pulling current capacity may be between tens of Ma and tens of Ma. For push-pull outputs, the output current capacity may be larger, perhaps up to hundreds of milliamps. This determines how much load it can drive, such as how many standard TTL or CMOS logic gates it can drive, or how much power it can drive external loads, such as small relays, leds, and so on.
The voltage range of the output high and low levels is also important. The high level output voltage may be close to the supply voltage, while the low level output voltage is as close as possible to the ground potential, which ensures that the logic level of the output signal can be accurately recognized by subsequent circuits.
發光波長():很可能采用了一種高效的發光材料,常見的是紅外或近紅外光,比如發光波長在 800nm 至 900nm 左右。合適的發光波長有助于在輸入和輸出部分之間實現高效的光耦合,保證信號傳輸的可靠性和穩定性。
It is likely that an efficient luminescent material is used, which is commonly infrared or near-infrared light, such as the luminous wavelength of 800nm to 900nm. The appropriate luminous wavelength helps to achieve efficient optical coupling between the input and output parts, ensuring the reliability and stability of signal transmission.
電流傳輸比(CTR):這是一個關鍵參數,它表示輸出電流與輸入電流的比值。不同的工作條件下(如不同的輸入電流、不同的溫度等),CTR 可能會有所變化。通常在常溫下,對于某個特定的輸入電流,CTR 會有一個典型值,可能在百分之幾十左右。例如,當輸入電流為 5mA 時,CTR 可能為 30%,這意味著輸出電流約為輸入電流的 30%,即 1.5mA 左右。高 CTR 有助于在輸入和輸出之間實現更好的信號強度轉換,確保信號不失真地從輸入側傳輸到輸出側。
This is a key parameter that represents the ratio of the output current to the input current. Under different operating conditions (such as different input currents, different temperatures, etc.), the CTR may vary. Usually at room temperature, for a specific input current, CTR will have a typical value, which may be in the tens of percent. For example, when the input current is 5mA, the CTR may be 30%, which means that the output current is about 30% of the input current, that is, about 1.5mA. High CTR helps achieve better signal strength conversion between input and output, ensuring that the signal is transmitted from the input side to the output side without distortion.
數據傳輸速率:作為一款電子器件,其數據傳輸速率是評估其性能的重要指標。QX3H4 可能具有較高的數據傳輸速率,例如在幾兆赫茲到幾十兆赫茲的范圍。這決定了它可以應用在一些對信號傳輸速度有要求的場合,如高速數據通信、高速開關電路、計算機外設接口等。在數字信號傳輸中,較高的數據傳輸速率能確保信號的及時和準確傳輸,避免因傳輸延遲導致的信號失真和誤操作。
工作電壓():會有一個推薦的工作電壓范圍,可能從幾伏到幾十伏不等,如 5V 到 30V,這樣可以適應不同的電源系統。同時,在輸入和輸出之間會有較高的隔離電壓,比如可能達到數千伏的隔離電壓,如 3000V 或更高。這種高隔離電壓保證了輸入和輸出電路之間的電氣隔離,防止電氣干擾,提高系統的安全性和可靠性,在強電和弱電系統隔離、工業控制等應用中非常重要。
溫度范圍:一般來說,該器件可以在較寬的溫度范圍內正常工作,例如從 - 40°C 到 + 85°C 甚至更寬的范圍,如 - 55°C 到 + 125°C。這使得它能夠適應各種不同的環境條件,從低溫的戶外環境到高溫的工業環境,確保在不同溫度下其電氣、光學和傳輸性能的穩定性,使其可以應用于工業控制、汽車電子、航空航天等對溫度有不同要求的領域。
封裝:可能采用常見的封裝形式,如 SOP 封裝、DIP 封裝等。SOP 封裝具有體積小、引腳間距小、適合表面貼裝,適用于高密度電路板,有助于縮小電路板面積,降低產品體積;而 DIP 封裝則便于手工焊接和實驗測試,適用于對成本敏感、對電路板空間要求不高的場合。封裝的尺寸和引腳布局會根據具體的封裝形式而有所不同,設計人員可以根據自身需求選擇合適的封裝。
工業控制:在工業自動化領域,可用于隔離輸入輸出信號,例如 PLC 的輸入輸出模塊中,將外部的傳感器信號與內部的控制器信號進行隔離,防止外部干擾進入內部系統,同時保證內部信號對外部執行器的安全可靠控制。
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