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Cypress CYW4343W高度集成的單片WLAN解決方案

電子工程師 ? 作者:工程師a ? 2018-06-16 11:45 ? 次閱讀

Cypress公司的CYW4343W是高度集成的單片解決方案,包括了ARM Cortex-M3 MCU,802.11 b/g/n MAC/基帶/無線電,支持藍牙4.1,以及功率放大器(PA),低噪音放大器(LNA),內部發送/接收(iTR)RF開關,WLAN主接口支持SDIO v2.0模式,數據傳輸速率高達200Mbps,單獨的UART提供藍牙主接口,支持單邊帶2.4 GHz IEEE 802.11b/g/n,主要用在可穿戴,物聯網IoT)網關,家庭自動化,以及各種其它手持設備。本文介紹了CYW4343W主要特性,系統框圖,以及評估板BCM94343WWCD1_EVB主要特性,電路圖和材料清單。

The Cypress CYW4343W is a highly integrated single-chip solution and offers the lowest RBOM in the industry for wearables, Internetof Things (IoT) gateways, home automation, and a wide range of other portable devices. The chip includes a 2.4 GHz WLAN IEEE 802.11 b/g/n MAC/baseband/radio and Bluetooth 4.1 support. In addition, it integrates a power amplifier (PA) that meets the outputpower requirements of most handheld systems, a low-noise amplifier (LNA) for best-in-class receiver sensitivity, and an internal transmit/receive (iTR) RF switch, further reducing the overall solution cost and printed circuit board area.

The WLAN host interface supports SDIO v2.0 mode, providing a raw data transfer rate up to 200 Mbps when operating in 4-bit modeat a 50 MHz bus frequency. An independent, high-speed UART is provided for the Bluetooth host interface.Using advanced design techniques and process technology to reduce active and idle power, the CYW4343W is designed to address the needs of highly mobiledevices that require minimal power consumption and compact size. It includes a power management unit that simplifies the systempower topology and allows for operation directly from a rechargeable mobile platform battery while maximizing battery life.

The CYW4343W implements the world’s most advanced Enhanced Collaborative Coexistence algorithms and hardware mechanisms,allowing for an extremely collaborative WLAN and Bluetooth coexistence.

The Cypress CYW4343W provides the highest level of integration for a mobile or handheld wireless system, with integrated IEEE 802.11 b/g/n. It provides a small form-factorsolution with minimal external components to drive down cost for mass volumes and allows for handheld device flexibility in size, form, and function. The CYW4343W isdesigned to address the needs of highly mobile devices that require minimal power consumption and reliable operation.


IEEE 802.11x Key Features

■ Single-band 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.11b/g/n.

■ Support for 2.4 GHz Cypress TurboQAM? data rates (256-QAM) and 20 MHz channel bandwidth.

■ Integrated iTR switch supports a single 2.4 GHz antennashared between WLAN and Bluetooth.

■ Supports explicit IEEE 802.11n transmit beamforming

■ Tx and Rx Low-density Parity Check (LDPC) support forimproved range and power efficiency.

■ Supports standard SDIO v2.0 host interface.

■ Supports Space-Time Block Coding (STBC) in the receiver.

■ Integrated ARM Cortex-M3 processor and on-chip memory forcomplete WLAN subsystem functionality, minimizing the needto wake up the applications processor for standard WLANfunctions. This allows for further minimization of powerconsumption, while maintaining the ability to field-upgrade withfuture features. On-chip memory includes 512 KB SRAM and640 KB ROM.

■ OneDriver? software architecture for easy migration fromexisting embedded WLAN and Bluetooth devices as well as tofuture devices.

Bluetooth Features

■ Complies with Bluetooth Core Specification Version 4.1 withprovisions for supporting future specifications.

■ Bluetooth Class 1 or Class 2 transmitter operation.

■ Supports extended Synchronous Connections (eSCO), forenhanced voice quality by allowing for retransmission ofdropped packets.

■ Adaptive Frequency Hopping (AFH) for reducing radiofrequency interference.

■ Interface support — Host Controller Interface (HCI) using ahigh-speed UART interface and PCM for audio data.

■ Low-power consumption improves battery life of handhelddevices.

■ Supports multiple simultaneous Advanced Audio DistributionProfiles (A2DP) for stereo sound.

■ Automatic frequency detection for standard crystal and TCXOValues

General Features

■ Supports a battery voltage range from 3.0V to 4.8V with aninternal switching regulator.

■ Programmable dynamic power management.

■ 4 Kbit One-Time Programmable (OTP) memory for storingboard parameters.

Can be routed on low-cost 1 x 1 PCB stack-ups.

■ 74-ball[4343W+43CS4343W1]74-ball 63-ball WLBGApackage (4.87 mm × 2.87 mm, 0.4 mm pitch)。

■ 153-bump WLCSP package (115 μm bump diameter, 180 μmbump pitch)。

■ Security:

?WPA and WPA2 (Personal) support for powerful encryptionand authentication.

?AES in WLAN hardware for faster data encryption and IEEE802.11i compatibility.

?Reference WLAN subsystem provides Cisco Compatible Extensions(CCX, CCX 2.0, CCX 3.0, CCX 4.0, CCX 5.0)。

?Reference WLAN subsystem provides Wi–Fi Protected Setup(WPS)。

■ Worldwide regulatory support: Global products supported withworldwide homologated design

Cypress CYW4343W高度集成的單片WLAN解決方案


Cypress CYW4343W高度集成的單片WLAN解決方案

圖2. CYW4343W系統框圖

The CYW4343W supports the following WLAN and Bluetooth features:

■ IEEE 802.11b/g/n single-band radio with an internal power amplifier, LNA, and T/R switch

■ Bluetooth v4.1 with integrated Class 1 PA

■ Concurrent Bluetooth, and WLAN operation

■ On-chip WLAN driver execution capable of supporting IEEE 802.11 functionality

■ Simultaneous BT/WLAN reception with a single antenna

■ WLAN host interface options:

?SDIO v2.0, including default and high-speed timing.

■ BT UART (up to 4 Mbps) host digital interface that can be used concurrently with the above WLAN host interfaces.

■ ECI—enhanced coexistence support, which coordinates BT SCO transmissions around WLAN receptions.

■ I2S/PCM for BT audio

■ HCI high-speed UART (H4 and H5) transport support

■ Wideband speech support (16 bits, 16 kHz sampling PCM, through I2S and PCM interfaces)

■ Bluetooth SmartAudio? technology improves voice and music quality to headsets.

■ Bluetooth low power inquiry and page scan

■ Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) support

■ Bluetooth Packet Loss Concealment (PLC

Standards Compliance

The CYW4343W supports the following standards:

■ Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR

■ Bluetooth 3.0

■ Bluetooth 4.1 (Bluetooth Low Energy)

■ IEEE 802.11n—Handheld Device Class (Section 11)

■ IEEE 802.11b

■ IEEE 802.11g

■ IEEE 802.11d

■ IEEE 802.11h

■ IEEE 802.11i

The CYW4343W will support the following future drafts/standards:

■ IEEE 802.11r — Fast Roaming (between APs)

■ IEEE 802.11k — Resource Management

■ IEEE 802.11w — Secure Management Frames

■ IEEE 802.11 Extensions:

■ IEEE 802.11e QoS Enhancements (as per the WMM? specification is already supported)

■ IEEE 802.11i MAC Enhancements

■ IEEE 802.11r Fast Roaming Support

■ IEEE 802.11k Radio Resource Measurement

The CYW4343W supports the following security features and proprietary protocols:

■ Security:


?WPA? Personal

?WPA2? Personal





?AES (Hardware Accelerator)

?TKIP (host-computed)

?CKIP (SW Support)

■ Proprietary Protocols:





■ IEEE 802.15.2 Coexistence Compliance — on silicon solution compliant with IEEE 3-wire requirements


The Cypress BCM94343WWCD1_EVB kit includes a BCM94343WWCD1 SIP module mounted on a full-featured USB-based evaluation and development board that is fully compatible with the WICED? Wi-Fi SDK. The onboard SIP module leverages the BCM4343W, featuring an 802.11b/g/n MAC/baseband/radio, Bluetooth 4.1 support, and an FM receiver. In addition, the module integrates a power amplifier (PA) that meets the output power requirements of most handheld systems, a low-noise amplifier (LNA) for best-in-class receiver sensitivity, and an internal transmit/receive (iTR) RF switch, reducing the overall solution cost and printed circuit board area. The BCM943364WCD1_EVB also includes an on-board STM32F411 32-bit ARM microcontroller, and is provisioned to support the authentication chip utilized by Apple’s HomeKit offering.



The BCM94343WWCD1_EVB is a self-contained evaluation and debug kit that can be powered from a wired USB (+5V) connection or a 5V DC jack (not provided with the kit)

The USB interface enumerates as both a USB-JTAG (Program and Debug) and USB-UART (Serial Command Interface)

Support for ThreadX and FreeRTOS Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS), and NetX/NetXDuo IPv4/IPv6 and LwIP IPv4 TCP/IP network stack implementations via WICED WIFI SDK

Open On Chip Debugger (Open OCD)

Optional external flash for memory expansion

Cypress CYW4343W高度集成的單片WLAN解決方案


Cypress CYW4343W高度集成的單片WLAN解決方案




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  • 功率放大器






  • Cypress






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