日前,米爾電子震撼發布MYD-JX8MPQC開發板,一經發布就備受矚目。米爾這款開發板采用NXP第一款集成 NPU的高性能處理器i.MX 8M Plus芯片,面向AI場景,強大的邊緣計算能力,NXP官方給這顆處理器的定位是“能夠在工業和物聯網等領域實現邊緣端高級機器學習推理”。且看試用者詳細介紹【米爾MYC-JX8MPQ評測】+ 運行 TensorFlow Lite(CPU和NPU對比),小編在此分享給大家。
【米爾MYC-JX8MPQ評測】+ 運行 TensorFlow Lite(CPU和NPU對比)—bloong
Bug一詞指在電腦系統或程序中,隱藏著的一些未被發現的缺陷或問題。但是Bug一詞是如何由來的呢?這一切起源于1947年,從一只不小飛入Mark II計算機的飛蟲說起。
1947年9月9日,當人們測試Mark II計算機時,它突然發生了故障。經過幾個小時的檢查后,工作人員發現了一只飛蛾被打死在面板F的第70號繼電器中。當把這個飛蛾取出后,機器便恢復了正常。
當時為Mark II計算機工作的著名女科學家Grace Hopper將這只飛蛾粘帖到當天的工作手冊中,并在上面加了一行注釋,
“First actual case of bug being found”
當時的時間是15:45.隨著這個故事的廣為流傳,越來越多的人開始使用Bug一詞來指代計算機中的設計錯誤,并把Grace Hopper上登記的那只飛蛾看作是計算機里上第一個被記錄在文檔中的Bug.
今天我們測試TensorFlow的image classification的主角就是老前輩grace_hopper的相片。
root@myd-jx8mp:/usr/bin/tensorflow-lite-2.4.0/examples# ./label_image -m mobilenet_v1_1.0_224_quant.tflite -i grace_hopper.bmp -l labels.txt
INFO: Loaded model mobilenet_v1_1.0_224_quant.tflite
INFO: resolved reporter
INFO: invoked
INFO: average time: 44.477 ms
INFO: 0.780392: 653 military uniform
INFO: 0.105882: 907 Windsor tie
INFO: 0.0156863: 458 bow tie
INFO: 0.0117647: 466 bulletproof vest
INFO: 0.00784314: 835 suit
./label_image -m mobilenet_v1_1.0_224_quant.tflite -i grace_hopper.bmp -l labels.txt -x 1
INFO: Loaded model mobilenet_v1_1.0_224_quant.tflite
INFO: resolved reporter
INFO: Created TensorFlow Lite XNNPACK delegate for CPU.
INFO: Applied XNNPACK delegate.
INFO: invoked
INFO: average time: 44.514 ms
INFO: 0.780392: 653 military uniform
INFO: 0.105882: 907 Windsor tie
INFO: 0.0156863: 458 bow tie
INFO: 0.0117647: 466 bulletproof vest
INFO: 0.00784314: 835 suit
USE_GPU_INFERENCE=0 ./label_image -m mobilenet_v1_1.0_224_quant.tflite -i grace_hopper.bmp -l labels.txt -a 1
INFO: Loaded model mobilenet_v1_1.0_224_quant.tflite
INFO: resolved reporter
INFO: Created TensorFlow Lite delegate for NNAPI.
INFO: Applied NNAPI delegate.
INFO: invoked
INFO: average time: 2.773 ms
INFO: 0.768627: 653 military uniform
INFO: 0.105882: 907 Windsor tie
INFO: 0.0196078: 458 bow tie
INFO: 0.0117647: 466 bulletproof vest
INFO: 0.00784314: 835 suit
root@myd-jx8mp:/usr/bin/tensorflow-lite-2.4.0/examples# python3 label_image.py
INFO: Created TensorFlow Lite delegate for NNAPI.
Applied NNAPI delegate.
Warm-up time: 6612.9 ms
Inference time: 3.0 ms
0.870588: military uniform
0.031373: Windsor tie
0.011765: mortarboard
0.007843: bow tie
0.007843: bulletproof vest
從運行結果來看同樣的圖片,NPU運行要比CPU快很多, NPU和CPU運算結果相差不大,NNAPI運行結果相似度更高。
TDengine 社區版是一開源版本,采用的是AGPL許可證,是一個處理中小規模的物聯網數據平臺。它具備高效處理物聯網數據所需要的所有功能,包括:
支持C/C++, Java(JDBC), Python, Go, RESTful, and Node.JS 等開發接口
通過TDengine Shell或Python/R/Matlab可做各種Ad Hoc查詢分析
1 解壓TDengine軟件(TDengine的軟件包我已經編譯好了這里直接使用,如果哪位同學也想用的話私信郵箱給我)
root@myd-jx8mp:~/TDengine# ls -a
. .. bin cfg lib
root@myd-jx8mp:~/TDengine# cp lib/* /usr/lib/
root@myd-jx8mp:~/TDengine/bin# ./taosd
config file:/etc/taos/taos.cfg not found, all variables are set to default
09/20 11:11:18.975189 00002231 DND start to initialize TDengine
09/20 11:11:18.975378 00002231 DND step:dnode-tfile is initialized
09/20 11:11:18.975415 00002231 DND step:dnode-rpc is initialized
09/20 11:11:18.976140 00002231 UTL localEp is: myd-jx8mp:6030
09/20 11:11:18.976973 00002231 UTL WARN timezone not configured, set to system default:Universal (UTC, +0000)
09/20 11:11:18.977024 00002231 UTL WARN locale not configured, set to system default:C
09/20 11:11:18.977050 00002231 UTL WARN can't get locale and charset from system, set it to UTF-8
09/20 1118.983835 00002231 UTL check global cfg completed
09/20 1118.983888 00002231 UTL ==================================
09/20 1118.983909 00002231 UTL taos config & system info:
09/20 1118.983925 00002231 UTL ==================================
09/20 1118.983943 00002231 UTL firstEp: myd-jx8mp:6030
09/20 1118.983959 00002231 UTL secondEp: myd-jx8mp:6030
09/20 1118.983976 00002231 UTL fqdn: myd-jx8mp
09/20 1118.983993 00002231 UTL serverPort: 6030
09/20 1118.984011 00002231 UTL configDir: /etc/taos
09/20 1118.984027 00002231 UTL logDir: /var/volatile/log/taos
09/20 1118.984044 00002231 UTL scriptDir: /etc/taos
09/20 1118.984060 00002231 UTL arbitrator:
09/20 1118.984078 00002231 UTL numOfThreadsPerCore: 1.000000
09/20 1118.984101 00002231 UTL numOfCommitThreads: 4
09/20 1118.984118 00002231 UTL ratioOfQueryCores: 1.000000
09/20 1118.984136 00002231 UTL maxNumOfDistinctRes: 10000000
09/20 1118.984153 00002231 UTL numOfMnodes: 1
09/20 1118.984169 00002231 UTL vnodeBak: 1
09/20 1118.984192 00002231 UTL telemetryReporting: 1
09/20 1118.984218 00002231 UTL dnodeNopLoop: 0
09/20 1118.984235 00002231 UTL balance: 1
09/20 1118.984251 00002231 UTL balanceInterval: 300
09/20 1118.984267 00002231 UTL offlineInterval: 3
09/20 1118.984284 00002231 UTL role: 0
09/20 1118.984300 00002231 UTL maxTmrCtrl: 512
09/20 1118.984321 00002231 UTL monitorInterval: 30(s)
09/20 1118.984342 00002231 UTL monitorReplica: 1
09/20 1118.984362 00002231 UTL offlineThreshold: 864000(s)
09/20 1118.984382 00002231 UTL rpcTimer: 300(ms)
09/20 1118.984402 00002231 UTL rpcMaxTime: 600(s)
09/20 1118.984423 00002231 UTL rpcForceTcp: 0
09/20 1118.984443 00002231 UTL statusInterval: 1(s)
09/20 1118.984476 00002231 UTL shellActivityTimer: 3(s)
09/20 1118.984505 00002231 UTL minSlidingTime: 10(ms)
09/20 1118.984538 00002231 UTL minIntervalTime: 1(ms)
09/20 1118.984558 00002231 UTL maxStreamCompDelay: 20000(ms)
09/20 1118.984579 00002231 UTL maxFirstStreamCompDelay:10000(ms)
09/20 1118.984617 00002231 UTL retryStreamCompDelay: 1800000(ms)
09/20 1118.984643 00002231 UTL streamCompDelayRatio: 0.100000
09/20 1118.984670 00002231 UTL maxVgroupsPerDb: 0
09/20 1118.984691 00002231 UTL maxTablesPerVnode: 1000000
09/20 1118.984712 00002231 UTL minTablesPerVnode: 1000
09/20 1118.984732 00002231 UTL tableIncStepPerVnode: 1000
09/20 1118.984752 00002231 UTL cache: 16(Mb)
09/20 1118.984772 00002231 UTL blocks: 6
09/20 1118.984793 00002231 UTL days: 10
09/20 1118.984813 00002231 UTL keep: 3650
09/20 1118.984833 00002231 UTL minRows: 100
09/20 1118.984853 00002231 UTL maxRows: 4096
09/20 1118.984874 00002231 UTL precision: 0
09/20 1118.984898 00002231 UTL comp: 2
09/20 1118.984924 00002231 UTL walLevel: 1
09/20 1118.984939 00002231 UTL fsync: 3000
09/20 1118.984964 00002231 UTL replica: 1
09/20 1118.984979 00002231 UTL partitions: 4
09/20 1118.984996 00002231 UTL quorum: 1
09/20 1118.985011 00002231 UTL update: 0
09/20 1118.985025 00002231 UTL cachelast: 0
09/20 1118.985041 00002231 UTL compressMsgSize: 524288
09/20 1118.985056 00002231 UTL compressColData: -1
09/20 1118.985071 00002231 UTL maxSQLLength: 1048576(byte)
09/20 1118.985088 00002231 UTL maxWildCardsLength: 100(byte)
09/20 1118.985103 00002231 UTL maxRegexStringLen: 128(byte)
09/20 1118.985118 00002231 UTL maxNumOfOrderedRes: 1000000
09/20 1118.985133 00002231 UTL queryBufferSize: -1(byte)
09/20 1118.985148 00002231 UTL retrieveBlockingModel: 0
09/20 1118.985163 00002231 UTL keepColumnName: 0
09/20 1118.985178 00002231 UTL timezone: Universal (UTC, +0000)
09/20 1118.985194 00002231 UTL locale: C
09/20 1118.985209 00002231 UTL charset: UTF-8
09/20 1118.985224 00002231 UTL maxShellConns: 50000
09/20 1118.985237 00002231 UTL maxConnections: 5000
09/20 1118.985255 00002231 UTL minimalLogDirGB: 1.000000(GB)
09/20 1118.985273 00002231 UTL minimalTmpDirGB: 1.000000(GB)
09/20 1118.985290 00002231 UTL minimalDataDirGB: 2.000000(GB)
09/20 1118.985307 00002231 UTL mnodeEqualVnodeNum: 4
09/20 1118.985322 00002231 UTL flowctrl: 1
09/20 1118.985335 00002231 UTL slaveQuery: 1
09/20 1118.985351 00002231 UTL adjustMaster: 1
09/20 1118.985366 00002231 UTL http: 1
09/20 1118.985381 00002231 UTL mqtt: 0
09/20 1118.985396 00002231 UTL monitor: 1
09/20 1118.985411 00002231 UTL stream: 1
09/20 1118.985426 00002231 UTL topicBinaryLen: 16000
09/20 1118.985441 00002231 UTL httpEnableRecordSql: 0
09/20 1118.985456 00002231 UTL telegrafUseFieldNum: 0
09/20 1118.985471 00002231 UTL httpMaxThreads: 2
09/20 1118.985486 00002231 UTL restfulRowLimit: 10240
09/20 1118.985538 00002231 UTL httpDbNameMandatory: 0
09/20 1118.985555 00002231 UTL httpKeepAlive: 30000
09/20 1118.985571 00002231 UTL numOfLogLines: 10000000
09/20 1118.985584 00002231 UTL logKeepDays: 0
09/20 1118.985596 00002231 UTL asyncLog: 1
09/20 1118.985609 00002231 UTL debugFlag: 0
09/20 1118.985621 00002231 UTL mDebugFlag: 131
09/20 1118.985634 00002231 UTL dDebugFlag: 135
09/20 1118.985648 00002231 UTL sDebugFlag: 135
09/20 1118.985660 00002231 UTL wDebugFlag: 135
09/20 1118.985672 00002231 UTL sdbDebugFlag: 131
09/20 1118.985696 00002231 UTL rpcDebugFlag: 131
09/20 1118.985710 00002231 UTL tmrDebugFlag: 131
09/20 1118.985723 00002231 UTL cDebugFlag: 131
09/20 1118.985736 00002231 UTL jniDebugFlag: 131
09/20 1118.985749 00002231 UTL odbcDebugFlag: 131
09/20 1118.985761 00002231 UTL uDebugFlag: 131
09/20 1118.985773 00002231 UTL httpDebugFlag: 131
09/20 1118.985787 00002231 UTL mqttDebugFlag: 131
09/20 1118.985799 00002231 UTL monDebugFlag: 131
09/20 1118.985811 00002231 UTL qDebugFlag: 131
09/20 1118.985825 00002231 UTL vDebugFlag: 135
09/20 1118.985837 00002231 UTL tsdbDebugFlag: 131
09/20 1118.985850 00002231 UTL cqDebugFlag: 131
09/20 1118.985862 00002231 UTL enableRecordSql: 0
09/20 1118.985876 00002231 UTL enableCoreFile: 0
09/20 1118.985892 00002231 UTL gitinfo: ac6c719aef7e9a9ae791b1dde0002ff7c7c3cd28
09/20 1118.985911 00002231 UTL gitinfoOfInternal: ac6c719aef7e9a9ae791b1dde0002ff7c7c3cd28
09/20 1118.985924 00002231 UTL buildinfo: Built at 2022-02-14 1008
09/20 1118.985937 00002231 UTL version:
09/20 1118.985968 00002231 UTL maxBinaryDisplayWidth: 30
09/20 1118.985980 00002231 UTL tempDir: /tmp/
09/20 1118.985993 00002231 UTL tsdbMetaCompactRatio: 0
09/20 1118.986005 00002231 UTL deadLockKillQuery: 1
09/20 1118.986018 00002231 UTL clientMerge: 0
09/20 1118.986030 00002231 UTL defaultJSONStrType: nchar
09/20 1118.986042 00002231 UTL smlChildTableName:
09/20 1118.986055 00002231 UTL smlTagNullName: _tag_null
09/20 1118.986068 00002231 UTL walFlushSize: 1024(Mb)
09/20 1118.986081 00002231 UTL shortcutFlag: 0
09/20 1118.986098 00002231 UTL os pageSize: 4096(KB)
09/20 1118.986110 00002231 UTL os openMax: 1024
09/20 1118.986122 00002231 UTL os streamMax: 16
09/20 1118.986133 00002231 UTL os numOfCores: 4
09/20 1118.986145 00002231 UTL os totalMemory: 2921(MB)
09/20 1118.986164 00002231 UTL os sysname: Linux
09/20 1118.986177 00002231 UTL os nodename: myd-jx8mp
09/20 1118.986189 00002231 UTL os release: 5.10.9-1.0.0+g68232600d8b7
09/20 1118.986205 00002231 UTL os version: #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Nov 23 0844 UTC 2021
09/20 1118.986221 00002231 UTL os machine: aarch64
09/20 1118.986238 00002231 UTL dataDir: /var/lib/taos
09/20 1118.986255 00002231 UTL ==================================
09/20 1118.986268 00002231 DND step:dnode-globalcfg is initialized
09/20 1118.986407 00002231 TFS disk /var/lib/taos is mounted to tier level 0 id 0
09/20 1118.986761 00002231 UTL ==================================
09/20 1118.986792 00002231 UTL os totalDisk: 6.668533(GB)
09/20 1118.986812 00002231 UTL os usedDisk: 3.161125(GB)
09/20 1118.986826 00002231 UTL os availDisk: 3.133099(GB)
09/20 1118.986839 00002231 UTL ==================================
09/20 1118.986851 00002231 DND dnode storage is initialized at /var/lib/taos/dnode
09/20 1118.986864 00002231 DND step:dnode-storage is initialized
09/20 1118.987011 00002231 DND read file /var/lib/taos/dnode/dnodeCfg.json successed
09/20 1118.987037 00002231 DND dnodeId is set to 1, clusterId is set to 7ebdeb06-4043-4b4f-b20e-44c8043bdcd6
09/20 1118.990881 00002231 DND successed to write /var/lib/taos/dnode/dnodeCfg.json
09/20 1118.990939 00002231 DND dnode cfg is initialized
09/20 1118.990952 00002231 DND step:dnode-cfg is initialized
09/20 1118.991075 00002231 DND read file /var/lib/taos/dnode/dnodeEps.json successed
09/20 1118.991138 00002231 DND dnode eps is initialized
09/20 1118.991161 00002231 DND step:dnode-eps is initialized
09/20 1118.991225 00002231 DND read file /var/lib/taos/dnode/mnodeEpSet.json successed
09/20 1118.991243 00002231 DND print minfos, mnodeNum:1 inUse:0
09/20 1118.991257 00002231 DND mnode index:1, myd-jx8mp:6030
09/20 1118.991283 00002231 DND print minfos, mnodeNum:1 inUse:0
09/20 1118.991299 00002231 DND mnode index:1, myd-jx8mp:6030
09/20 1118.991314 00002231 DND dnode minfos is initialized
09/20 1118.991331 00002231 DND step:dnode-minfos is initialized
09/20 1118.991518 00002231 WAL wal module is initialized, rsetId:3
09/20 1118.991538 00002231 DND step:dnode-wal is initialized
09/20 1118.991773 00002231 DND step:dnode-sync is initialized
09/20 1118.991911 00002231 DND dnode check is initialized
09/20 1118.991931 00002231 DND step:dnode-check is initialized
09/20 1118.991948 00002231 UTL worker:vquery is initialized, min:4 max:4
09/20 1118.991962 00002231 UTL worker:vfetch is initialized, min:4 max:4
09/20 1118.991975 00002231 DND step:dnode-vread is initialized
09/20 1118.991990 00002231 DND dnode vwrite is initialized, max worker 4
09/20 1118.992002 00002231 DND step:dnode-vwrite is initialized
09/20 1118.992141 00002231 DND step:vnode-backup is initialized
09/20 1118.992232 00002231 DND step:vnode-worker is initialized
09/20 1118.992250 00002231 DND step:vnode-write is initialized
09/20 1118.992263 00002231 DND step:vnode-read is initialized
09/20 1118.992283 00002231 DND step:vnode-hash is initialized
09/20 1118.992537 00002231 DND step:tsdb-queue is initialized
09/20 1118.992566 00002231 UTL worker:vmgmt is initialized, min:1 max:1
09/20 1118.992648 00002231 DND dnode vmgmt is initialized
09/20 1118.992667 00002231 DND step:dnode-vmgmt is initialized
09/20 1118.992700 00002231 DND step:dnode-mread is initialized
09/20 1118.992727 00002231 DND step:dnode-mwrite is initialized
09/20 1118.992753 00002231 DND step:dnode-mpeer is initialized
09/20 1118.997630 00002231 DND dnode inter-dnodes rpc client is initialized
09/20 1118.997692 00002231 DND step:dnode-client is initialized
09/20 1118.999606 00002231 DND dnode inter-dnodes RPC server is initialized
09/20 1118.999672 00002231 DND step:dnode-server is initialized
09/20 1118.999797 00002231 DND start 4 threads to open 1 vnodes
09/20 1119.000450 00002249 VND vgId:2, load vnode cfg successfully, replcia:1
09/20 1119.000482 00002249 VND vgId:2, dnode:1, myd-jx8mp:6040
09/20 1119.000560 00002249 VND vgId:2, read /var/lib/taos/vnode/vnode2/version.json successfully, fver:59
09/20 1119.003539 00002249 VND vgId:2, sync role changed from offline to master
09/20 1119.003672 00002231 DND there are total vnodes:1, opened:1
09/20 1119.003702 00002231 DND step:dnode-vnodes is initialized
09/20 1119.003781 00002231 MND starting to initialize mnode ...
09/20 1119.004116 00002231 DND step:sdbref is initialized
09/20 1119.004317 00002231 DND step:profile is initialized
09/20 1119.004341 00002231 DND step:cluster is initialized
09/20 1119.004359 00002231 DND step:accts is initialized
09/20 1119.004379 00002231 DND step:users is initialized
09/20 1119.004406 00002231 DND step:funcs is initialized
09/20 1119.004425 00002231 DND step:dnodes is initialized
09/20 1119.004451 00002231 DND step:dbs is initialized
09/20 1119.004474 00002231 DND step:vgroups is initialized
09/20 1119.005423 00002231 DND step:tables is initialized
09/20 1119.005465 00002231 DND step:mnodes is initialized
09/20 1119.005708 00002231 MND vgId:1, sdb write is opened
09/20 1119.005781 00002231 SDB vgId:1, open sdb wal for restore
09/20 1119.005887 00002231 WAL vgId:1, file:/var/lib/taos/mnode/wal/wal0, will be restored
09/20 1119.006093 00002231 MND dnode:1, fqdn:myd-jx8mp ep6030 port:6030 is created
09/20 1119.006138 00002231 MND mnode:1, fqdn:myd-jx8mp ep6030 port:6030 is created
09/20 1119.006997 00002231 WAL vgId:1, file:/var/lib/taos/mnode/wal/wal0, restore success, wver:28
09/20 1119.007141 00002231 SDB vgId:1, sdb wal load success
09/20 1119.007165 00002231 SDB vgId:1, sdb start to check for integrity
09/20 1119.007192 00002231 SDB vgId:1, sdb:cluster is checked, rows:1
09/20 1119.007220 00002231 SDB vgId:1, sdb:dnodes is checked, rows:1
09/20 1119.007243 00002231 MND vgId:1, update mnodes epSet, numOfMnodes:1
09/20 1119.007270 00002231 MND vgId:1, mnodes epSet is set, num:1 inUse:0
09/20 1119.007294 00002231 MND vgId:1, mnode:1, fqdn:myd-jx8mp shell:6030 peer:6035
09/20 1119.007318 00002231 SDB vgId:1, sdb:mnodes is checked, rows:1
09/20 1119.007339 00002231 SDB vgId:1, sdb:accounts is checked, rows:1
09/20 1119.007359 00002231 SDB vgId:1, sdb:users is checked, rows:3
09/20 1119.007379 00002231 SDB vgId:1, sdb:dbs is checked, rows:1
09/20 1119.007399 00002231 SDB vgId:1, sdb:vgroups is checked, rows:1
09/20 1119.007419 00002231 SDB vgId:1, sdb:stables is checked, rows:7
09/20 1119.007439 00002231 SDB vgId:1, sdb:ctables is checked, rows:11
09/20 1119.007460 00002231 MND dnode first deploy, func restored.
09/20 1119.007479 00002231 SDB vgId:1, sdb:funcs is checked, rows:0
09/20 1119.007499 00002231 SDB vgId:1, sdb is restored, mver:28 rows:27 tables:10
09/20 1119.007529 00002231 DND step:sdb is initialized
09/20 1119.007690 00002231 MND dnode:1 set access:0 to 0
09/20 1119.007719 00002231 DND step:balance is initialized
09/20 1119.007933 00002231 DND step:show is initialized
09/20 1119.007958 00002231 MND mnode is initialized successfully
09/20 1119.007986 00002231 SDB vgId:1, work as mnode, replica:1
09/20 1119.008007 00002231 SDB vgId:1, mnode:1, myd-jx8mp:6040
09/20 1119.008146 00002231 SDB vgId:1, mnode role changed from master to master
09/20 1119.008173 00002231 SDB vgId:1, update mnodes role, replica:1
09/20 1119.008197 00002231 SDB vgId:1, mnode:1, role:master
09/20 1119.008221 00002231 MND vgId:1, update mnodes epSet, numOfMnodes:1
09/20 1119.008247 00002231 MND vgId:1, mnodes epSet is set, num:1 inUse:0
09/20 1119.008270 00002231 MND vgId:1, mnode:1, fqdn:myd-jx8mp shell:6030 peer:6035
09/20 1119.008609 00002231 DND dnode modules is initialized
09/20 1119.008635 00002231 HTP start http server ...
09/20 1119.008807 00002231 HTP http result queue is opened
09/20 1119.009519 00002271 HTP http server init success at 6041
09/20 1119.010276 00002231 MON monitor module start
09/20 1119.010315 00002231 DND step:dnode-modules is initialized
09/20 1119.013049 00002231 DND dnode shell rpc server is initialized
09/20 1119.013112 00002231 DND step:dnode-shell is initialized
09/20 1119.013145 00002231 DND dnode status timer is initialized
09/20 1119.013166 00002231 DND step:dnode-statustmr is initialized
09/20 1119.013286 00002231 DND dnode telemetry is initialized
09/20 1119.013316 00002231 DND step:dnode-telemetry is initialized
09/20 1119.018904 00002231 DND step:dnode-script is initialized
09/20 1119.018979 00002231 DND step:dnode-grant is initialized
09/20 1119.018999 00002231 DND TDengine is initialized successfully
09/20 1119.517104 00002263 MND dnode:1, from offline to online
09/20 1120.012162 00002262 MND user:monitor login from, result:success
4 另起一個終端運行taos濤思客戶端
root@myd-jx8mp:~/TDengine/bin# ./taos
Welcome to the TDengine shell from Linux, Client Version:
Copyright (c) 2020 by TAOS Data, Inc. All rights reserved.
config file:/etc/taos/taos.cfg not found, all variables are set to default
5 查看數據庫
taos> show databases;
name | created_time | ntables | vgroups | replica | quorum | days | keep | cache(MB) | blocks | minrows | maxrows | wallevel | fsync | comp | cachelast | precision | update | status |
log | 2020-09-20 11:02:24.386 | 11 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 10 | 30 | 1 | 3 | 100 | 4096 | 1 | 3000 | 2 | 0 | us | 0 | ready |
Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.003743s)
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