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電子發燒友網>電源/新能源>電源設計應用>A Compact, Isolated Power Supp

A Compact, Isolated Power Supp


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3.3V 1.5A隔離不連續模式隔離反激式穩壓器

描述This compact and low-cost (5W) isolated flyback regulator produces a 3.3V output from a 48V input
2018-11-26 11:45:10

Compact Modeling Workshop- 緊湊型建模邀請函—器件模型培訓課程

; validationc、Compact Models: a brief review and history of (BSIM3/4, EKV, PSP, HiCUM, VBIC, Angelov)d、Test
2014-04-25 10:26:32

Compact Modeling Workshop- 緊湊型建模邀請函—器件模型培訓課程

; validationc、Compact Models: a brief review and history of (BSIM3/4, EKV, PSP, HiCUM, VBIC, Angelov)d、Test
2014-04-25 10:31:57

Compact Modeling Workshop- 緊湊型建模邀請函—器件模型培訓課程

; validationc、Compact Models: a brief review and history of (BSIM3/4, EKV, PSP, HiCUM, VBIC, Angelov)d、Test
2014-04-25 10:45:05

Compact Modeling Workshop- 緊湊型建模邀請函—器件模型培訓課程

; validationc、Compact Models: a brief review and history of (BSIM3/4, EKV, PSP, HiCUM, VBIC, Angelov)d、Test
2014-04-25 11:00:02

Compact Modeling Workshop- 緊湊型建模邀請函—器件模型培訓課程

; validationc、Compact Models: a brief review and history of (BSIM3/4, EKV, PSP, HiCUM, VBIC, Angelov)d、Test
2014-04-25 11:02:15

Compact Modeling Workshop- 緊湊型建模邀請函—器件模型培訓課程

; validationc、Compact Models: a brief review and history of (BSIM3/4, EKV, PSP, HiCUM, VBIC, Angelov)d、Test
2014-04-25 11:11:33

Compact PCI簡介

一 什么是Compact PCI?Compact PCI是一種基于標準PCI總線的小巧而堅固的高性能總線技術。1994年PICMG(PCI Computer Manufacturer’s Group
2009-06-14 16:25:08

Power Sources and Supplies(全英文)

Circuits5 Non-isolated Circuits6 Transformer-isolated Circuits7 Power Semiconductors8 Conduction
2012-12-07 20:24:12

Automotive excellence achieved by the first 100% solder-free high power IGBT

of the power andauxiliary terminals to the DCB was not soldered. A new pressure system replaced theconventional
2009-10-06 14:48:53

Design considerations for three-phase power factor correction

to track the voltage on a three-phase power system leads to a second set of requirements, in addition
2016-06-12 09:26:32


, and isolated power supplies. This compact reference design is intended to control GaN in power
2018-09-21 08:37:53


, but is a low cost, compact (no transformer)2W to 6W power supply accepting the world wide range ofinput voltage and frequency.
2009-05-12 11:01:35

Matrix - Compact_Kit_B擴展板性能資料

Matrix - Compact_Kit_B是為Nanopi 2 Fire的接口開發的一款緊湊、簡潔的多功能開發者套件,該套件由一系列常用電氣元件經過精心構建而成,色彩斑斕,資源豐富,包括了按鍵
2016-11-28 17:39:48


描述PMP20814 is an isolated Flybuck converter utilizing the LM5018 for industrial applications.
2018-07-13 01:11:30

The HIP2030 MCT/IGBT Gate Driver Provides Isolated Control Signals To Switch

Optically isolated gate drivers, that supply low level signalvoltages to drive power switches
2009-05-12 11:02:59

【求助】Windows Embedded Compact 7安裝問題

Windows Embedded Compact 7的安裝之前安裝的visual studio版本是不是必須是2008 sp1版本?我之前裝2012的時候結果安裝wince 7的時候很多組件顯示叉叉
2015-02-05 09:19:55


and compact isolated gate driver with reinforced isolation and two-level turnoff protectionFull digital
2018-10-15 15:05:19

什么是Compact PCI?

什么是Compact PCI?Compact PCI是一種基于標準PCI總線的小巧而堅固的高性能總線技術。1994年PICMG(PCI Computer Manufacturer’s Group
2009-06-14 16:06:55

以固定頻率工作的 5V/2A USB 適配器PMP9203參考設計方案

描述This reference design provides an isolated 5V/2A output from a universal 85-265VAC input.
2018-07-25 08:03:54


isolated Fly-Buck power converter. The reference design is mainly used in positioning and motion control
2018-09-20 08:47:11


描述The TIDA-00445 TI design provides a reference solution for isolated current measurement using
2018-09-12 09:08:25


描述This reference design is a compact and thermally efficient design intended to be used as a bias
2018-12-26 15:35:56


描述PMP15006 is a miniature (15 mm X 15 mm) Fly-Buck? reference design using the LM5017.The primary
2018-09-20 08:36:42

反向 (12V@1A)

an isolated 12V/1A from a universal AC input source. The maximum load efficiency is over 85%, while the no load power consumption is less than 150mW.`
2015-05-07 15:12:07

同樣面向 PoE 應用的隔離式 Fly-Buck 電源模塊

`描述The PMP10572 reference design is an single output isolated Fly-Buck power supply for PoE
2015-04-30 14:26:56


描述This reference design is a compact implementation of 96 isolated digital input channels using
2018-12-29 14:53:14


design with the LM5160 regulator provides a simple and compact solution for isolated power supply.主要特色
2018-08-24 10:33:31


描述The TIDA-00912 TI Design provides a complete reference solution for isolated current measurement
2018-12-04 14:36:38


描述The TIDA-00914 reference design realizes a reinforced isolated 3-phase inverter sub-system using
2018-10-23 14:56:52

微軟推出Windows Embedded Compact 7社區預覽版

WindowsEmbedded Compact 7有哪些特點?Windows Embedded Compact 7的連接性有什么優勢?
2021-04-26 06:20:12


with dedicated gate drive power supplies. This compact reference design is intended to control IGBT’s
2018-10-01 18:06:52

最大負載效率超過82%用于熱水器的反向 (12V 1.2A)

an isolated 12V/1.2A from a universal AC input source. The maximum load efficiency is over 82%, while the no load power consumption is less than 200mW.
2018-11-23 16:28:31

用于 CPAP 呼吸機的反向 (14V @ 4.7A)

`描述及特性The PMP5322 reference design provides and isolated 14V at 4.7A from a universal AC input.
2015-04-24 15:53:27

用于 CPAP 呼吸機的反向 (14V@6.5A)

`描述及特性The PMP5315 reference design provides and isolated 14V at 6.5A from a universal AC input.
2015-04-24 15:51:55

用于熱水器的反向 (12V@1.2A)

an isolated 12V/1.2A from a universal AC input source. The maximum load efficiency is over 82%, while the no load power consumption is less than 200mW.`
2015-04-27 11:51:19


描述The PMP20122 is a compact and thermally efficient design intended to step down a wide range of AC
2018-09-27 08:49:23


描述The TIDA-01159 design provides a reference solution for half-bridge isolated gated drivers used
2018-09-27 09:09:38


維克托供應美國康派,COMPACTCompact氣缸,Compact氣爪 產品介紹:美國Compact專業提供標準氣動元件及緊湊型客戶自定義自動化解決方案。擁有25余項專利和50000多種特制
2018-05-04 09:01:36


描述The PMP30082 reference design shows two stage power supply. The first stage is a fly-buck
2018-12-24 15:56:53

請問Compact Flash需要配置2個FPGA?

: a Virtex 5 and a Virtex 6. The FPGA's will be configured from a COMPACT FLASH using an ACE File. Do
2019-01-18 08:50:08


描述PMP20210 is an isolated Flybuck converter utilizing the LM5160 for industrial applications.
2018-09-17 08:38:09


描述 TIDA-00653 is a non-isolated 48 to 12-V bi-directional converter reference design for 48V
2018-12-06 14:23:57

通用交流輸入;以固定頻率工作的 5V/2A USB 適配器

`描述及特性This reference design provides an isolated 5V/2A output from a universal 85-265VAC input.
2015-04-13 10:11:41

針對以太網供電 (PoE) 的 4 類反激 (57V/0.7A)

an isolated 57V/40W output from a universal AC input source. This supply is designed for use as a PoE
2015-05-07 15:27:23


描述PMP20468 is an isolated flyback converter utilizing the LM5022 controller for Power
2018-10-18 15:03:36


描述A quasi-resonant primary-side regulated isolated Flyback is used to provide 12V @ 1A from
2018-09-13 08:59:37


描述The TIDA-00639 reference design is a non-isolated high-side current and voltage sensing design
2018-11-01 16:44:13


描述The TIDA-01541 reference design reduces system cost and enables a compact design for isolated
2018-10-23 09:46:54

LT3573 pdf datasheet (Isolated

The LT®3573 is a monolithic switching regulator specifi -cally designed for the isolated fl
2009-01-13 16:28:5126

MAX845 pdf datasheet (Isolated

The MAX845 provides an isolated power supply small enough to fit in thin PCMCIA cards
2009-02-07 21:53:0614

2W Non-isolated Power Supply u

2W Non-isolated Power Supply using LNK305P:This document is a prototype engineering report
2009-06-28 22:38:0129

1.8W non-isolated Power Supply

1.8W non-isolated Power Supply using LNK304:This document is an engineering report describing a 12V
2009-07-01 00:21:0729

3W Non-Isolated Buck-Boost Con

This document is an engineering prototype report describing a non-isolated -12 V, 250mApower supply
2009-07-01 00:22:0522

Whitepaper: HDMI Compact Activ

A new class of consumer digital cables known as Compact Active Cables has arrived inthe market.
2009-07-31 08:33:4622

Isolated 50 Watt Flyback Conve

Reference Design:Isolated 50 Watt Flyback Converter Using the UCC3809 Primary Side Controller
2009-10-14 09:35:3219

High Voltage Isolated/Non-Isol

High Voltage Isolated/Non-Isolated Power Supply Reference Designs:
2009-11-28 16:39:495

TPA4860,pdf(1-Watt Audio Power

1 W of continuous average power into an 8- load at 0.4 % THD+N from a 5-V power supp
2010-09-10 17:09:318

TPS65166,pdf(Compact LCD Bias

The TPS65166 offers a compact power supply solution to provide all voltages required by a LCD panel
2010-11-03 22:40:1945

TPS65146,pdf(Compact LCD Bias

The TPS65146 offers a very compact power supply solution designed to supply the LCD bias voltages
2010-11-03 23:04:3513


The TPS65167 offers a compact power supply solution to provide all voltages required by a LCD panel
2010-11-03 23:17:0137

TPS65171,pdf(Compact LCD Bias

The TPS65171 offers a compact power supply solution to provide all voltages required by a LCD panel
2010-11-04 00:16:3331

PTB48540A,pdf(10-W Power-Over-

The PTB48540 series of power modules is specifically designed to provide an isolated, low-voltage
2010-11-12 15:24:1219

PTB48540B,pdf(10-W Power-Over-

The PTB48540 series of power modules is specifically designed to provide an isolated, low-voltage
2010-11-12 15:45:3618

PTH08T250W,pdf(50-A, 4.5-V to 14-V INPUT, NON-ISOLATED, WIDE

The PTH08T250W is a high-performance 50-A rated, non-isolated power module. This module represents
2010-11-16 14:34:4426

PTH03060W,pdf(10 A, 3.3-V Inpu

The PTH03060W non-isolated power module is small in size but big on performance and flexibility.
2010-11-16 21:17:255

PTH03010W,pdf(15 A, 3.3-V Inpu

The PTH03010 series of non-isolated power modules are small in size but big on performance
2010-11-16 21:32:384

PTH05010W,pdf(15 A, 5-V Input

The PTH05010 series of non-isolated power modules are small in size but big on performance
2010-11-16 22:39:578

PTH12010L,PTH12010W,pdf(12 A,

The PTH12010 series of non-isolated power modules that are small in size but big on performance
2010-11-18 13:35:558

MAX256,pdf (3W Primary-Side Transformer H-Bridge Driver for isolated)

The MAX256 is an integrated primary-side controller and H-bridge driver for isolated
2011-01-02 13:32:34125

Power Supply From 4-20mA Trans

Power Supp
2009-04-24 15:53:591102

隔離式電源電信應用-Isolated Power Suppl

Abstract: Simple easy to use high side current sense amps protects power supplies as a result
2009-04-29 09:58:491174

隔離式電源電信應用-Isolated Power Suppl

Abstract: Simple easy to use high side current sense amps protects power supplies as a result
2009-04-30 14:05:041131

Isolated SLIC Supply

Some subscriber line interface cards (SLICs) require power-supply voltages isolated from the local
2009-05-04 09:32:48949

Compact LNA for automotive RKE

Compact LNA for automotive RKE and TPM systems provides optimum performance and current consumption
2009-07-25 21:05:05818

I2C Interface Connects Compact

I2C Interface Connects Compact Flash Card to Microcontroller Abstract: This application note
2009-09-02 11:46:081679

Isolated Temperature Sensor

Isolated Temperature Sensor Abstract: This application note presents a novel circuit
2009-09-18 08:37:08906

什么是CHTML (Compact HyperText Ma

什么是CHTML (Compact HyperText Markup Language)  英文縮寫: CHTML (Compact HyperText Markup Language) 中文譯名: 壓縮式超文本標識語言
2010-02-22 10:46:49548

什么是CFD (Compact Floppy Disk)

什么是CFD (Compact Floppy Disk)  英文縮寫: CFD (Compact Floppy Disk) 中文譯名: 微型軟磁盤 分  類: 其它 解  釋
2010-02-22 10:49:40659

什么是CD (Compact Disk)

什么是CD (Compact Disk)  英文縮寫: CD (Compact Disk) 中文譯名: 光盤,激光唱盤 分  類: 其它 解  釋: 數字
2010-02-22 10:55:451471

Isolated power using capacitor

An integrated H-bridge driver for isolated power-supply circuits (MAX256) usually drives
2011-01-02 13:30:55988

BP5843A pdf (ISOLATED High-power LED Driver for IIIunination)

BP5843A ISOLATED High-power LED Driver for IIIunination
2011-05-04 10:06:1929

Riverside (MAXREFDES8#)3.3V Input, 12V (15V) Output Isolated Power Supply

input, 12V (15V) output, isolated power supply. The Riverside reference design includes a 3W primary-side transformer H-bridge driver for isolate
2012-11-07 15:36:3126

Lakewood (MAXREFDES7#)3.3V Input, ±12V (±15V) Output Isolated Power Supply

, 12V (15V) output, isolated power supply. The Lakewood reference design includes a 3W primary-side transformer H-bridge driver for isolated s
2012-11-07 15:38:2027

10W Compact Power Supply using TOP245R

utilizing a TOP245R. This power supply is intended to be used in a compact adapter for a water purification
2016-05-11 18:00:0819


The SC400-4 Compact supercontinuum laser is engineered with cost in mind. If you need Watt level
2016-12-25 21:53:130

基于TQM7M6025下的Power Amplifier Module

he TQM7M6025 PA Module integrates two high efficiency BiHEMT power amplifiers input band select
2018-08-03 11:29:002

如何用MAX17681 ISO降壓技術縮小隔離電源設計

Furqan explains how Maxim’s iso buck technology helps achieve more compact and efficient, isolated power-supply solutions using the MAX17681 Evaluation Kit.
2018-10-09 04:18:003007

LT3002 Demo Circuit - μPower No-Opto Isolated Flyback Converter (10-30V to 12V @ 1A)

LT3002 Demo Circuit - μPower No-Opto Isolated Flyback Converter (10-30V to 12V @ 1A)
2021-01-28 02:40:411

UG-1725: Evaluating the 3 kV RMS ADM2565E and the 5.7 kV RMS ADM2865E, Signal and Power Isolated, RS-485 Transceivers with ±15 kV IEC ESD

UG-1725: Evaluating the 3 kV RMS ADM2565E and the 5.7 kV RMS ADM2865E, Signal and Power Isolated, RS-485 Transceivers with ±15 kV IEC ESD
2021-01-29 11:09:151

ADM2867E/ADM2865E/ADM2863E/ADM2861E: 5.7 kV RMS Signal and Power Isolated RS-485 Transceiver with ±15 kV IEC ESD Data Sheet

ADM2867E/ADM2865E/ADM2863E/ADM2861E: 5.7 kV RMS Signal and Power Isolated RS-485 Transceiver with ±15 kV IEC ESD Data Sheet
2021-01-30 11:23:142

LT8316 Demo Circuit - μPower No-Opto Isolated Flyback Converter (100-600V to 12V @ 1.5A)

LT8316 Demo Circuit - μPower No-Opto Isolated Flyback Converter (100-600V to 12V @ 1.5A)
2021-02-01 15:21:320

LT8315 Demo Circuit - μPower No-Opto Isolated Flyback Converter (20-450V to 12V @ 220mA)

LT8315 Demo Circuit - μPower No-Opto Isolated Flyback Converter (20-450V to 12V @ 220mA)
2021-02-19 15:31:317

LT8303 Demo Circuit - μPower No-Opto Isolated Flyback Converter (36-72V to 5V @ 0.65-0.84A)

LT8303 Demo Circuit - μPower No-Opto Isolated Flyback Converter (36-72V to 5V @ 0.65-0.84A)
2021-02-20 13:52:267

LT8304 Demo Circuit - μPower No-Opto Isolated Flyback Converter (18-72V to 5V @ 2A)

LT8304 Demo Circuit - μPower No-Opto Isolated Flyback Converter (18-72V to 5V @ 2A)
2021-02-21 11:50:171


2022-09-26 10:26:512


RevPi Compact是基于樹莓派的開源緊湊型控制器。該控制系統以樹莓派第三代計算模塊為核心,具有四核處理器,具有1.2 GHz,1 GB RAM和8 GB eMMC閃存。開放的平臺(包括完整
2021-11-19 12:01:5310


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