4412-DS0025 - Heavy Duty Incremental Rotary Shaft Encoder - List of Unclassifed Manufacturers
2022-11-04 17:22:44
4412-DS4096 - Heavy Duty Incremental Rotary Shaft Encoder - List of Unclassifed Manufacturers
2022-11-04 17:22:44
4412B - CMOS EXPANDABLE GATES - R & E International, Inc.
2022-11-04 17:22:44
2021-02-05 07:40:09
4412S-DS4096 - Heavy Duty Incremental Rotary Shaft Encoder - List of Unclassifed Manufacturers
2022-11-04 17:22:44
4412T-DS0025 - Heavy Duty Incremental Rotary Shaft Encoder - List of Unclassifed Manufacturers
2022-11-04 17:22:44
4412T-DS4096 - Heavy Duty Incremental Rotary Shaft Encoder - List of Unclassifed Manufacturers
2022-11-04 17:22:44
2023-04-06 23:30:32
, and DIP.Advantages of Using a Dallas Semiconductor DS1232 MicroMonitorPower-on Reset Delay Allows Board Resources
2008-09-24 17:04:32
:zyx010414@163.com(可列清單詢價/回收)E4412A/E4412A安捷倫 E4412A/E4412A安捷倫詳細介紹Agilent E4412A 功率探頭/功率傳感器詳細資料:*與HP437B和HP438A、新型
2020-06-12 18:14:00
2022-11-04 17:22:44
`E4412A功率傳感器|AgilentE4412A探頭回收 E4412A功率傳感器|AgilentE4412A探頭回收東莞市佳華電子儀器有限公司趙先生188-8361-1172 專注回收/維修
2021-07-01 11:10:23
2019-02-18 10:18:49
* (704-02-4412) PB RND W/RED MUS
2024-03-14 21:14:57
“ 經常看到小伙伴們詢問KiCad中的Margin層有什么用,和板框層Edge.Cut有什么區別?雖然實際實際中可以完全忽略Margin層,但理解它并合理的加以使用,可以為設計帶來一定的便利
2023-06-06 09:46:43
2023-04-06 23:35:19
2023-03-29 21:56:35
想知道 OTP 中 margin read mode 的用途及原理?Margin Read Mode provides a critical read condition to filter out
2020-07-22 13:37:53
STN4412 - N Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET - Stanson Technology
2022-11-04 17:22:44
STN4412S8RG - N Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET - Stanson Technology
2022-11-04 17:22:44
STN4412S8TG - N Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET - Stanson Technology
2022-11-04 17:22:44
`E4412A,二手E4412A,現貨E4412A E4412A,二手E4412A,現貨E4412A供應/維修/租賃E4412A功率探頭E4412A產品簡介:Agilent E4412A(10MHz
2017-12-28 16:20:55
為什么創建match group之后 Actual 和Margin里面是空白的
2019-07-26 03:13:32
`回收功率探頭E4412A二手E4412A聯系人:譚先生電話:***USB功率傳感器Agilent U2001A,Agilent U2001B,Agilent U2000A,Agilent
2020-06-06 11:22:47
2019-05-17 00:12:19
The DS80C320/DS80C323 are fast 80C31/80C32-compatible microcontrollers. Wasted clock and memory
2008-08-13 14:01:23
27 The DS4422 and DS4424 contain two or four I²C programmable current DACs that are each capable
2009-04-16 16:14:57
15 The DS4412 contains two I²C adjustable-current DACs that are each capable of sinking
2009-04-16 16:17:02
18 INTRODUCTIONThe DS1631 was designed to be software compatible with the DS1621 in most applications
2009-04-17 12:08:13
20 INTRODUCTIONThe DS1631 was designed to be software compatible with the DS1621 in most applications
2009-04-18 10:11:41
22 such as the DS18B20, DS18S20 orDS1822 to a microcontroller. These methods rangefrom simple software solutions, to using a SerialInterface chip such as the
2009-04-18 10:18:30
28 Using Wavelet Eigenvalues as the Input of Pi-sigma Network to Recognize Movement Pattern
2010-02-22 11:38:01
13 Processing (DSP) unit using a SPI interface. This app note shows how to connect a DS1390 to a Motorola DSP that has a built-in SPI interface
2010-05-29 08:37:49
11 Keysight(原Agilent) E4412A(10MHz~18GHz)用于測量功率范圍為-70dBm~+20dBm的連續波信號。E系列功率傳感器提供快的測量速度(利用E4418B單通道功率計時
2023-09-22 16:58:06
Using the
2010-08-22 12:34:56
! Agilent E4418A E4418B E4412A 功率計 歐陽婧13415387172中山市華儀通電子儀器有限公司
2008-09-03 10:06:16
812 Using a UA
2009-03-31 22:18:45
1771 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/B0/wKgZomUMNUiAcKfmAAAOMtV4ogw313.gif)
Using the DS32kHz with Dallas Real-Time Clocks
Abstract: This application note describes how
2009-03-31 22:27:51
678 is a completely open source, portable C library to create a 1-Wire master using the DS2480B serial
2009-04-17 09:37:10
1021 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/C3/wKgZomUMNZaATjj9AAAmcEyZ1bo784.gif)
Abstract: This application note describes how to reduce current consumption when using the DS
2009-04-17 10:17:42
805 Abstract: The DS1620 digital thermometer and thermostat provides three thermostat outputs (THIGH
2009-04-17 11:45:50
521 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/C4/wKgZomUMNZqAaU9sAAASZA_Bt2c228.gif)
Abstract: The Dallas Semiconductor DS87C530 high-speed microcontroller with real-time clock (RTC
2009-04-18 10:48:58
562 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/C5/wKgZomUMNZyAEZrEAACNNzuR5ZU106.gif)
Abstract: This application note provides a detailed description for using the SLC-96 multiframe
2009-04-20 09:03:37
947 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/C6/wKgZomUMNaOAOTENAAB6OtdrSpY702.gif)
Abstract: Application Note 387 describes the use of the Dallas Semiconductor/Maxim DS2148/DS
2009-04-20 09:40:41
836 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/C6/wKgZomUMNaSASOTjAAAjFBtc18s767.gif)
Abstract: This application note will help with the migration from a current design using the DS
2009-04-20 10:13:54
650 Abstract: Application Note 338 provides the criteria used to set and clear alarms using the Dallas
2009-04-20 10:14:45
589 Abstract: Application Note 327 provides a logical diagram of a Channel Service Unit using
2009-04-20 10:36:22
985 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/C6/wKgZomUMNaWAAFkZAAAftiPKg64653.gif)
loopback application using the Dallas Semiconductor/Maxim DS2141A, DS2142, DS2151, or DS2153. With Elastic Store Disabled DS21
2009-04-20 10:39:41
882 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/C6/wKgZomUMNaWAGv53AAAUF05uiJI298.gif)
drop and insert application using the Dallas Semiconductor/Maxim DS2141A T1 framer or DS2143 E1 framer.
2009-04-20 10:40:36
701 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/C7/wKgZomUMNaWAOoTMAAAg2_mSFRc351.gif)
system backplane using the Dallas Semiconductor/Maxim DS2152 and DS2154 T1/E1 single chip tranceivers (SCTs). The DS2155, DS26528, DS26524, DS
2009-04-20 10:46:00
1036 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/C7/wKgZomUMNaaARdEnAABX5p278-g254.gif)
Abstract: Some special functions are not derivable by using the normal transmit and receive side
2009-04-20 10:48:32
851 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/C7/wKgZomUMNaaAJX4BAAAI9LhY5UM258.gif)
software download become unusable for any reason. This application note describes how the DS4510, DS4520, and DS4550 non-volatile I/O expande
2009-04-20 11:08:51
995 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/C7/wKgZomUMNaeAc9YJAAAPsKiCJYg784.gif)
Abstract: This application note is intended to demonstrate an application using the DS
2009-04-21 09:50:44
1359 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/C8/wKgZomUMNa2AJns5AAAfy4VTjng152.gif)
Abstract: This application note describes how to reduce current consumption when using the DS
2009-04-21 10:49:55
1099 that require spread-spectrum clock generation (SSCG). The DS4M133 margining oscillator serves as the example of the technique.
2009-04-22 09:36:10
353 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/CA/wKgZomUMNbOAIUz-AABPpw7U7XM208.gif)
Using the
2009-04-23 08:42:35
896 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/CB/wKgZomUMNbmAcoVIAAACZ20Olm4404.gif)
Abstract: The following application note shows simple circuits using the DS1814 MicroMonitor.
2009-04-23 09:25:16
618 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/CB/wKgZomUMNbqANLzIAAAaVxvwzF0281.gif)
Using a Ec
2009-04-23 10:31:26
1112 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/CC/wKgZomUMNbuACw8oAAAsVmxvq7Q411.gif)
Abstract: The following application note shows simple circuits using the DS1814 MicroMonitor.
2009-04-23 15:11:01
666 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/CC/wKgZomUMNb6APoBgAAAaVxvwzF0944.gif)
that require more than 128 Bytes of memory located at the I²C* device address A0h.
IntroductionThe DS1859 is a du
2009-04-28 11:18:29
915 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/D2/wKgZomUMNdWAHVbmAAASTF31kOE253.gif)
Abstract: This application note describes how to use the DS3900 PC serial port to 3-wire interface
2009-04-28 11:50:56
812 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/D2/wKgZomUMNdaAP_ZjAABVCABV_wQ446.gif)
an adjustable voltage supply using a MAX1776 step-down DC-DC converter. A reference design using the DS3903 is shown that features the ability to prod
2009-04-28 13:49:32
2094 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/D2/wKgZomUMNdaAGRWWAAAbUH1e7WA410.gif)
Abstract: This application note will help with the migration from a current design using the DS
2009-04-29 10:03:34
568 Abstract: Application Note 338 provides the criteria used to set and clear alarms using the Dallas
2009-04-29 10:07:14
803 drop and insert application using the Dallas Semiconductor/Maxim DS2141A T1 framer or DS2143 E1 framer.
2009-04-29 10:21:02
1323 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/D3/wKgZomUMNduAbvAZAAAg2_mSFRc565.gif)
system backplane using the Dallas Semiconductor/Maxim DS2152 and DS2154 T1/E1 single chip tranceivers (SCTs). The DS2155, DS26528, DS26524, DS
2009-04-29 10:24:57
1000 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/D3/wKgZomUMNduAbSPGAABX5p278-g978.gif)
that supports monitoring and control of power delivery to a multiple battery system using the Dallas Semiconductor DS2760 or DS2761 battery monit
2009-04-30 11:35:04
1409 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/D5/wKgZomUMNeCAM-QWAAAnJ9cmLfU277.gif)
Abstract: The DS1802 audio potentiometer contains two digitally controlled potentiometers
2009-05-05 11:14:56
2531 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/D8/wKgZomUMNe6ADlWuAAA004dPz_A114.gif)
Abstract: This application note describes how to use the DS3900 PC serial port to 3-wire interface
2009-05-08 09:09:22
696 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/DD/wKgZomUMNgCAYDDtAABVCABV_wQ792.gif)
Alternatives to the DS1991L MultiKey iButton
Abstract: The DS1991L multikey iButton
2009-06-09 21:16:07
561 2012年初,三星正式推出了自家的首款四核移動處理器Exynos 4412。和Tegra3一樣,同樣采用的是Cortex-A9架構,核心最高頻率均為1.4Ghz。
2012-08-24 10:41:57
3680 嵌入式開發板iTOP-4412在Ubuntu下配置WIFI方法
2016-02-26 17:00:17
22 嵌入式開發板4412平臺WiFi移植文檔
2016-03-04 15:55:45
26 嵌入式開發板4412實現基于UDP的socket編程。
2016-03-16 09:33:44
13 一年多前,IEEE 發布了針對千兆以太網的 802.11bj 規范。此外,該規范還定義了 Channel Operating Margin (COM) 通道的一種質量評估方式。
2016-05-04 16:01:19
6077 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A6/8B/wKgZomUMPoKACjZDAAA83-_b5jE941.png)
2016-05-17 09:49:51
14 CES-4412P開發板用戶手冊
2017-10-24 10:24:41
2 關鍵詞:ARM , 4412 , 開發板 經過2012年的等待,四核的開發平臺終于跟廣大嵌入從業人員見面了,下面讓我們來看下UT-Exynos 4412 開發板的詳細參數吧,共廣大嵌入式開發
2018-10-28 00:56:01
318 關鍵詞:開發板 UT-Exynos4412開發板是一款功能極為強大的高端ARM Coretex-A9開發平臺,采用Samsung最新的Exynos4412(Exynos4412 Quad),主頻達到
2018-11-01 07:24:02
439 電子發燒友網為你提供ADI(ti)LTC4412HV相關產品參數、數據手冊,更有LTC4412HV的引腳圖、接線圖、封裝手冊、中文資料、英文資料,LTC4412HV真值表,LTC4412HV管腳等資料,希望可以幫助到廣大的電子工程師們。
2019-02-22 14:44:34
2019-02-22 14:43:34
2019-02-22 13:10:34
Exynos4412核心板基于Samsung Cortex-A9系列Exynos4412四核應用處理器,采用SCP封裝,板上集成了2GB DDR3,8GB eMMC,提供專用的三星電源管理芯片,系統更加穩定可靠。
2019-11-04 10:33:06
2471 ![](https://file.elecfans.com/web1/M00/AA/0A/pIYBAF2gYceAB6shAAL13Ug-ARo211.jpg)
2019-11-05 17:40:51
10447 ![](https://file.elecfans.com/web1/M00/AB/66/o4YBAF24K4WANZmtAAJUDET_31w247.jpg)
LTC4412: Low Loss PowerPath Controller in ThinSOT Data Sheet
2021-01-29 08:50:05
8 Efficient packet classification using TCAM(現代電源技術基礎課程)-Efficient packet classification using TCAM
2021-08-04 16:23:04
14 為了更容易看到工具做的useful skew的效果,這里故意在下面的path上設置了很大(2.5ns)的path margin,這里是在Place階段啟用的CCD。
2022-09-30 15:57:29
2041 DB4412_X_CUBE_AZRTOS_H7數據手冊摘要
2022-11-23 08:33:36
0 DS4412可調電流DAC用于調節DC-DC轉換器輸出電壓的裕量。本文介紹如何在設計中使用DS4412時正確選擇DC-DC轉換器反饋分壓器網絡的電阻值。
2023-01-13 09:32:38
752 ![](https://file.elecfans.com//web2/M00/8A/7D/poYBAGPAtLmAMT_tAAAkUJUxPOw292.gif)
2023-01-18 18:51:57
2023-01-18 19:19:36
迅為4412開發板- 步進電機 -驅動和測試例程和本文檔配套的資料有:1 內核配置和步進電機驅動補丁包:topeet_modules_20190319.tar.gz2 linux-C 的測試例程
2023-03-20 11:13:46
0 TOP-4412開發板資料更新
2021-11-22 14:13:46
1729 ![](https://file.elecfans.com/web2/M00/1F/E5/pYYBAGGbNRaAAMvCAAAyl4QmdO0608.jpg)
2023-10-11 19:21:33
2022-06-06 15:44:00
5 Exynos4412處理器,Cortex-A9四核,主頻為1.4GHz-1.6GHz。標配2GB雙通道DDR3內存,16GBEMMC存儲。選用三星自家電源管理芯片,高效節能!具有9路DC/DC和28
2022-06-06 15:46:05
4 我們都知道,在做hold time檢查的時候,是需要從lib中讀取reg的hold requirement time,或者說hold margin。
2023-12-05 14:18:29